rdseqsKeu∞n′at r>eex ( 5pR/e3Mr.iTSm)heoenfEttaohlSedfpaittaatri.anTmghefeotoerrbvstoaalirunemesdeuγma∞nmdaanprdriezKsesd∞u′ rivneawTluaeebrselesa a1ptpiwsrfioytxhtihmtehaetthereleyrsmu0l.ot1sdÅyo-3f and 0.8 GPa, respectively, for the experimental data (fits 5–7)...
M.R Betts, J.F Krowka, T.B Kepler, M Davidian, C Christopherson, S Kwok, L Louie, J Eron, H Sheppard, J.A Frelinger Human immunodeficiency virus type 1-specific cytotoxic T lymphocyte activity is inversely correlated with HIV type 1 viral load in HIV type 1-infected long-term surviv...