分享到: 3-酮酰CoA硫解酶 分类: 生物学|查看相关文献(pubmed)|免费全文文献 详细解释: 以下为句子列表: 分享到:
5) 3-ketoacyl-CoA reductase 3-酮酯酰-CoA还原酶(BnKCR2)6) thiolase ['θaiəleis] β-酮脂酰辅酶A硫解酶补充资料:β-酮脂酰辅酶A硫解酶 分子式:CAS号:性质:又称β-酮硫解酶,β-酮脂酰辅酶A硫解酶。硫解酶实际是一类生物催化剂的通称,其分子的化学本质为蛋白质。酶来源主要来自于动物(如...
3-ketoacyl-CoA thiolase, Polyclonal Antibody 由上海拜力生物科技有限公司供应,该产品简介:3-ketoacyl-CoA thiolase, Polyclonal Antibody
英文名称:Rabbit anti-human 3-ketoacyl-CoA thiolase, peroxisomal polyclonal Antibody(ACAA1), FITC[3-ketoacyl-CoA thiolase],中文名称:兔抗人3-酮酰基-CoA硫酶,过氧化物酶体多克隆抗体(ACAA1),FITC[3-酮酰基-CoA硫酶],产品货号:MBS968943,[产品类型:
英文名称:Sheep 3-ketoacyl-CoA thiolase, mitochondrial (ACAA2) ELISA KitSheep 3-ketoacyl-CoA thiolase, mitochondrial (ACAA2) ELISA Kit is available 1 time 来自 Mybiosource labs,中文名称:绵羊3-酮酰基-CoA硫酶,线粒体(ACAA2)酶联免
[关键词]: 3-酮脂酰辅酶 A 硫解酶;线粒体三功能蛋白;线粒体;过氧化物酶体;脂肪酸氧化[Keywords]: 3-ketoacylCoAthiolase;Mitochondrialtrifunctionalprotein;Mitochondria;Peroxisome;Fattyacidoxidation 3-酮脂酰辅酶 A 硫解酶(3-ketoacylCoAthio⁃lase,3-KAT)是一类在脂肪酸 β-氧化裂解反应中扮演重要角色的...
Our aim was to determine whether treatment with the antianginal agent trimetazidine, which inhibits fatty acid oxidation in the heart secondary to inhibition of 3-ketoacyl-CoA thiolase (3-KAT), may have off-target effects on glycemic control in obesity. We fed C57BL/6NCrl mice a high-fat ...
细胞长链酮脂酰辅酶A硫解酶(KETOACYL COA THIOLASE)活性比色法定量检测试剂盒C42H40O19Human Vascuoar endothelial cell growth factor C ELISA kit 细胞长链烯脂酰辅酶A水合酶(ENOYL COA HYDRATASE)活性比色法定量检测试剂盒C8H12N2·HClHuman Vascuoar endothelial cell growth factor B ELISA kit ...
mybiosource MBS958322 ACAA1 recombinant protein :: 3-ketoacyl-CoA thiolase Recombinant Protein Avanti 850457 Avanti 850757 Avanti 110669 Avanti 810332 dextra MC0320 Man-1 dextra MC0420 Man-2(a) dextra MC0521 Man-3(a) dextra MC0932 Man-7D3 dextra SC1020 A1 dextra SC1120 A2 dextra ...
Long-chain 3-ketoacyl-CoA thiolase, the β-subunit enzyme, was transported into the mitochondrial matrix, where it expressed normal levels of activity, but was not translocated to the membrane. Thus intact α-subunit is required for trifunctional protein membrane translocation, but is not necessary...