fHgorweeenveerm, tihsesiloifnetdimecereτaRsoesf more quickly than the lifetime of red emission when the Yb3+ concentration increases. the The key photon point of the CR process avalanche (PA) as shown is the multiplier effect to the in Figure S4(a). However, PA population of suffered ...
This desig n inpu t/out pu t/verificati on cycle will iterate and continue throughout the overall desig n con trol p rocess un til the residual risks have bee n reduced to an acce ptable level and can be maintained at an acce ptable level. The overall effective ness of risk con ...
{111} Constructed with Dual-Reaction Centers for Enhancement of Fenton-Like Reaction Activity and Peroxymonosulfate Conversion to Sulfate Radical Zhibin Wen 1,†, Qianqian Zhu 1,†, Jiali Zhou 1, Shudi Zhao 1, Jinnan Wang 1,*, Aimin Li 1, Lifang Chen 2 and Weilin Bian 2 1 State ...