Source 2SC1815-Y(TPE2) direct from stocking distributors and other suppliers. Find 2SC1815-Y(TPE2) parts and datasheets using netCOMPONENTS, the world's largest electronic component sourcing site.
2SC1815T-Y FUTUREWAFER Low Frequency Amplifier NPN Epitaxial Silicon Transistor 获取价格 2SC1815TPE2 TOSHIBA TRANSISTOR 150 mA, 50 V, NPN, Si, SMALL SIGNAL TRANSISTOR, TO-92, BIP General Purpose Small Signal 获取价格 2SC1815W SECOS NPN Transistor Epitaxial Planar Transistor 获取价格 2SC1815Y ...
2,000 : $0.0861,000 : $0.125500 : $0.15200 : $0.1750 : $0.24100 : $0.2825 : $0.28 0 Rochester Electronics China 2SC1815-Y(TPE2ND,F Toshiba America Electronic Components TRANSISTOR (SILICON) (Status: Not Recommended for New Designs)RoHS : Compliant 1,000 : $0.42505366500 : $0.4497183...
2SC1815TPE2 TOSHIBA TRANSISTOR 150 mA, 50 V, NPN, Si, SMALL SIGNAL TRANSISTOR, TO-92, BIP General Purpose Small Signal 获取价格 2SC1815W SECOS NPN Transistor Epitaxial Planar Transistor 获取价格 2SC1815Y CDIL Small Signal Bipolar Transistor, 0.15A I(C), 50V V(BR)CEO, 1-Element, NPN, ...
2SC1815Y 0 131 216 6281375 2SC1815BL 0 39 47 242337 2SC1815BLF 0 5 6 11806 2SC1815-BL(SP 0 3 3 16704 2SC1815-BL(TPE2,F) 0 2 2 52868 2SC1815-BL(SP,F,T) 0 2 2 347 2SC1815B 0 2 2 1439 2SC1815-BL(TPE2) 0 1 1 101 2SC1815-BL(TE2,F,T 0 1 1 3000 2SC1815-BL PBFREE 0...
2SC1815T-Y FUTUREWAFER Low Frequency Amplifier NPN Epitaxial Silicon Transistor 获取价格 2SC1815TPE2 TOSHIBA TRANSISTOR 150 mA, 50 V, NPN, Si, SMALL SIGNAL TRANSISTOR, TO-92, BIP General Purpose Small Signal 获取价格 2SC1815W SECOS NPN Transistor Epitaxial Planar Transistor 获取价格 2SC1815...