GFS 0.5deg forecast vs NCEP CFSR reanalysis 2m air temperature anomalies:| Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7 | Global: 000 006 012 018 024 030 036 042 048 054 060 066 072 078 084 090 096 102 108 114 120 126 132 138 144 150 156 162 168...
of the surface acoustic waves excited on the surface of the coating-substrate shows an anomaly around the phase transition temperature of Ni_2MnGa, showing that it is possible to use impulsive stimulated scattering as a characterization tool to determine temperature dependent elasticity of a thin ...
A significant anomaly is that a similar out-of-plane dielectric constant is observed in superconducting samples.关键词: parent antiferromagnet dielectric constant Insulator-metal transition DOI: 10.1007/978-4-431-66877-0_55 被引量: 7 年份: 2000 ...
No structural phase transition or change in symmetry occurs within the temperature range studied. The short Os−O bond lengths compared to the d3 osmates reflect the contraction and increased covalency that can be anticipated as the oxidation state is increased. The temperature dependence of the ...
Spin waves and phonon anomaly in the Heusler alloy Ni2MnGa. U. Stuhr,P. Vorderwisch,and V. V. Kokorin. Physica B Condensed Matter . 1997Stuhr U,Vorderwisch P,Kokorin VV.Spin waves and phonon anomaly in the Heusler alloy Ni2MnGa. Physical Review . 1997...
The skill of global-scale sea surface temperature forecasts using a statistically based linear forecasting technique is investigated. Canonical variates are used to make monthly sea surface temperature anomaly forecasts using evolutionar... WA Landman,SJ Mason - 《Journal of Climate》 被引量: 3972发表...
Specific heat measurements in the temperature range 1.38° – 4.03°K indicated a λ-type anomaly at 2.24°K which has been identified as a paramagnetic-antiferromagnetic transition. Short range ordering accounts for approximately 25% of the total entropy change. The calculated sublattice magnetization...
L2F _1c-structured Fe _(59)Mn _(17)Al _(24) shows a yield stress anomaly with a peak yield stress at 700K. The aim of the work reported here was to determine the dislocation mechanisms involved in this anomalous behaviour by performing in situ straining on Fe _(59)Mn _(17)Al _(...
The molar heat capacities of La2Mo2O9 and La1.9Sr0.1Mo2O9-δ were obtained using the differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) technique in a temperature range from 298 to 1473 K. The DSC curve of La2Mo2O9 showed an endothermal peak around 834 K corresponding to a first-order monoclinic-...
Observed lambda-like anomaly at T-max = 0.2 K in the temperature dependence of the specific heat of studied materials might be attributed to the formation of long-range order due to the presence of exchange coupling between the planes. The entropy removed above the transition temperature ...