2LIS_03_BX数据源中的数据是填充MC03BX0SETUP表这个时点的库存值状况,因此,使用这个数据源时需要在填充完MC03BX0SETUP表后,保证没有物料移动业务操作的情况下,迅速填充2LIS_03_BF数据源和2LIS_03_UM数据源的SETUP表,这样才能保证数据的准确性。 在数据都抽取到BW后,也需要先抽取2LIS_03_BX数据源的数据到物料...
2lis_03_bx is run only once to get initial stock form R/3 to BW. From then on u have to use 2LIS_03_UM and 2LIS_03_BF for Revaluations and Movements. 1. First you have to Run MCNB to initialize the stock for 2LIS_03_BX. 2. Now run setup to fill setup tables for 2LIS_03...
Why there are records transferred and added but none record shown in the Infocube?Please kindly help me the proper step to reload the 2LIS_03_BX TO 0IC_C03 if need to reload from the start. This is my first load from the 3 datasource (2lis_03_bx, 2lis_03_bf, 2lis_03_um) to in...
For Inventory Management, we do the Stock initialization from MCNB t-code with Plant, Material and Storage location .The data for which we extract to BW through DS i.e. 2LIS_03_BX... What does it specify. What kind of data it captures. What is the significance of data for 2LIS_03...
During the delta extraction of 2LIS_03_BX from an ODP source system, error "Source 2LIS_03_BX does not support delta" occurs. Read more... Environment A ERP system as an ODP source system A BW system as the target system Product ...