Low Energy Tail of the Exciton Luminescence Band in 2H-Pbi2 and its Relation To Urbach Rule. Solid State Commun. 1985, 56, 101-103.Takeda, J., Ishihara, T., Goto, T., 1985. Low-energy tail of the exciton luminescence band in 2H-PbI2 and its relation to Urbach rule. Solid State ...
Ⅰ、取100mL蒸馏水,加入过量的PbI2固体(黄色),搅拌、静置,过滤到洁净的烧杯中,得 到滤液a Ⅱ、取少量滤液a于试管中,向其中加入几滴0.1mol/L的KI溶液,观察现象 Ⅲ、另准确量取10.00mL滤液,与离子交换树脂(RH)发生反应:2RH+Pb2+=R2Pb+2H+,交换完成后,流出液用中和滴定法测得n (H+)=3.000×10-5mol分析...
钙钛矿薄膜长期以来一直受到缺陷的困扰,这些缺陷主要位于晶界处,导致器件性能下降,尤其是残留PbI2的影响。因此,作为有效的晶界钝化剂,有机铵盐被广泛研究。 本研究西北工业大学陈睿豪和王洪强等人引入了一种氮杂环分子,1,3-二苯基苯并咪唑碘化物(DBI),用于钙钛矿薄膜的后处理,以构建坚固的一维(1D)/三维(3D)钙钛矿结构。
optical spectraImaginary and real parts of the dielectric function of the layer semiconductor PbI2 were found using the result of the pseudopotential method zone structure of electron energy spectra calculations. This enabled to calculate optical parameters of the crystal, in particular, absorption, and...
density functional theory calculationsBorn charge tensorsSymmetry properties of the optical phonons of the 2H-PbI2 crystal are analysed. Born charges and the dynamical matrix are calculated the Brillouin zone center. Raman spectra and Phonon dispersion have been compared with experimental results. ...
Pbi2LuminescenceLineshapeThe pressure dependence of the Raman and luminescence spectra of 2H-PbI2 has been studied under hydrostatic pressure up to 1.5 GPa at 77 K by using a diamond-anvil cell. A structural phase transition occurs at a pressure of P-PT = 0.56 +/- 0.01 Gpa. From the ...
A procedure is described which allows to prepare optical faces parallel to the c -axis by processing bulk 2H-PbI2 crystals grown from the melt. Its effectiveness is checked by a simultaneous investigation of the reflection and photoluminescence spectra, whose main features compare well to former ...
Palosz, B. Wruck, In situ observation of the polytypic phase transition 2H-12R in PbI2: investigations of the thermodynamic, structural and dielectric properties, Journal of Physics C: Solid State Physics, Vol.20, 1987, pp. 4077-4096.
Palosz, B. Wruck, In situ observation of the polytypic phase transition 2H-12R in PbI2: investigations of the thermodynamic, structural and dielectric properties, J. Phys. C: Solid State Phys. 20 (1987) 4077-4096.Salje E, Palosz B, Wruck B (1987) Polytypism and equilibrium phase ...