方案一: 进入控制器输入指令:sshgit@git.test.com2fa_recovery_codes,其中其中gitlab.test.com即为你自己账号的地址。 会得到如下截图: 将红框框的某个code码替换手机app上的验证码,即可进行验证。 方案二: 修改git的账户属性,后续就可以通过指纹登录。当然,这需要你的设备支持指纹解锁。
是指通过扫描二维码获取双因素身份验证(2FA)的时间基础单次密码(TOTP)的配置密钥,并手动输入到身份验证应用程序中。 2FA是一种增强账户安全性的方法,要求用户在输入密码之外,还需提供另一个因素进行身份验证。TOTP是2FA中常用的一种方法,它基于时间的动态密码,每隔一段时间会生成一个新的密码。
Since 2FA code authentication is very time sensitive (as it changes every few seconds), even a difference of a few seconds may cause the 2FA code to be invalid or expire. It’s best to sync the date and time of your device with one of the official time providers. ...
Once you've enabled 2FA on the account or service in question, you'll be asked to either enter a setup key on your device or scan a QR code using your device's camera. If it's a setup key you're given, go toSettings -> Passwords, select the account from the list, then tapSet ...
Hi there, I created an expo build for iOS and was sent a 2FA code by text to compete sign in process. This was entered successfully and the build was initiated and then sent with transporter - again I was logged in with no issues. Subsequently I tried to login to App Store Connect ...
Version steamguard-cli 0.14.0 (windows) What happened? When trying to enter 2FA code during setup: ERROR Failed to submit code: UnknownEResult(DuplicateRequest) Steps To Reproduce Open CMD with admin access CMD: steamguard setup CMD: Ent...
是指通过扫描二维码获取双因素身份验证(2FA)的时间基础单次密码(TOTP)的配置密钥,并手动输入到身份验证应用程序中。 2FA是一种增强账户安全性的方法,要求用户在输入密码之外,还需提供另一个因素进行身份验证。TOTP是2FA中常用的一种方法,它基于时间的动态密码,每隔一段时间会生成一个新的密码。
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TheiCloudKeychain password manager in Apple's iCloud for Windows app now supports two-factor authentication codes, according to user reports posted onReddit. Two-factor authentication, or 2FA, acts as an additional layer of security for online accounts, by requesting a code generated by ...
2FA QR code is not generating in Blazor Web app. Diwakar Devangam55Reputation points Nov 16, 2023, 2:15 PM using Blazor Web App template and authentication type as individual accounts, 2FA is not generating the QR code. Is this need to be fixed?