实验使用ScanNet和ScanNet++数据集进行评估,结果表明2DGS-Room在多个指标上均优于现有的室内重建方法。具体来说: 准确性:与其他方法相比,2DGS-Room在重建准确性上取得了显著提升,尤其是在处理复杂室内场景时,能够更好地捕捉到细节和结构。 重建完整性:通过引入种子点引导和几何约束,该方法有效减少了重建中的浮动伪影,...
2DGS-Room: Seed-Guided 2D Gaussian Splatting with Geometric Constrains for High-Fidelity Indoor Scene Reconstruction Wanting Zhang, Haodong Xiang, Zhichao Liao, Xiansong Lai, Xinghui Li✉, Long Zeng✉ [Project Page][arxiv][Paper] 📃 Abstract The reconstruction of indoor scenes remains chall...
简述了2DGS Room 这篇paper:2DGS-Room: Seed-Guided 2D Gaussian Splatting with Geometric Constrains for High-Fidelity Indoor Scene ReconstructionContributions:• We propose 2DGS-Room, a novel method for indoor, 视频播放量 129、弹幕量 0、点赞数 6、投硬币
@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ 2DGS-Room: Seed-Guided 2D Gaussian Spla <
In this paper, we introduce 2DGS-Room, a novel method leveraging 2D Gaussian Splatting for high-fidelity indoor scene reconstruction. Specifically, we employ a seed-guided mechanism to control the distribution of 2D Gaussians, with the density of seed points dynamically optimized through adaptive ...
Videorecordings of 2 TID signers describing their house/livingroom This corpus collects Turkish sign language (TID) data. For this project, native, early, and late TID signers were recorded performing different tasks (narratives of short picture stories/cartoon clips) and engaging in free ...
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阿爸的草原 电话:0769-22837276 面积:88㎡ 可容纳人数:32 简介: 本活动室可供合唱队排练、上课,或其他课程的培训练习。 温馨提示:请仔细核对预订课室的功能和作用,一经预订不做更改。 设备:电视音响设备墙镜
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2. Interior lighting in the office building, such as office, meeting room, exhibition hall 3. Residential lighting, such as aisle, washroom, corridor, storehouse etc 4. Partial close-up lighting, such as shop window, painting displaying, artwo...