一种三明治纳米材料ZIF-8@Au@ZIF-67及其制备方法和应用 本发明公开了一种三明治纳米材料ZIF8@Au@ZIF67及其制备方法和应用,该材料的分子式为ZIF8@Au@ZIF67,以ZIF8为内核,中间层为Au纳米团簇,最外层为ZIF67.本发明三明治材料的合成条件温和,不需要PVP等其他添加剂.该材料可用于催化末端炔羰基化反应,能有效转换CO...
After a pyrolysis process, 2D/3D ZIF‐67@CC can be further converted into a electrocatalyst that consists of cobalt nanoparticles embedded within both 2D carbon nanosheets and 3D hollow carbon polyhedra, exhibiting an excellent overall water‐splitting performance. doi:10.1002/aenm.201970066...
Herein, a novel strategy involving an in situ transformation of ultrathin cobalt layered double hydroxide into 2D cobalt zeolitic imidazolate framework (ZIF-67) nanosheets grafted with 3D ZIF-67 polyhedra supported on the surface of carbon cloth (2D/3D ZIF-67@CC) precursor is proposed. After a...
zif-67-derived3dhollowmesoporouscrystallineco3o4wrappedby2d 系统标签: zifnanosheetsmesoporoushollownitricphotocatalytic FULLPAPER1902291(1o 11)©2019WILEY-VCHVerlagGmbH&Co.KGaA,Weinheim.small-journalZIF-67-Derived3DHollowMesoporousCrystallineCo3O4Wrappedby2Dg-C3N4Nanosheets orPhotocatalyticRemovalo NitricOxide...
🌟 付永胜和朱俊武通过利用液滴中的Marangoni效应,成功实现了从三维(3D)沸石咪唑酸盐纳米立方体(ZIF)到二维(2D)ZIF纳米框架的理论上不可能的转变方向。 🔄 这种转变挑战了既定的信念,即只有从2D ZIF-L到3D ZIF-67的转变是可能的,忽略了反向过程。 📊 有限元分析表明,在保证Marangoni流下质量分布和热传输均匀...
图2.(A) NG、(B) ZIF-67、(C) ZIF-67@NG 和 (D) FeCoOx@NG 的 SEM 图像。(E) FeCoOx@NG 的彩色TEM图像。(F) FeCoOx@NG的高分辨TEM 图像。FeCoOx@NG 的 (G) STEM 图像和 (H-L) 元素能谱分析。 图3.FeCoOx@NG复合...
ZIF-67-derived 3D hollow mesoporous crystalline Co_3O_4 wrapped by 2D graphitic carbon nitride (g-C_3N_4) nanosheets are prepared by low temperature annealing, and are used for the photocatalytic oxidation of nitric oxide (NO) at a concentration of 600 ppb. The p-n heterojunction between ...
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•MMMs containing 2D materials and MOF composite fillers are proposed to synergistically improve gas separation efficiency.•ZIF-67@BNNS composites optimize gas molecular channels and reduce transmission resistance.•The effect of the ratio of BNNS to ZIF-67 on performance was comprehensively investig...
Specifically, directed-eletrodeposition vertical growth of Co(OH)2-nanosheet serves as the structure inducer to offer abundant sites for ZIF-67 growth, and melamine is selected as an initiator for orientated growth of N-CNTs. As an integrative non-noble electrocatalyst for water splitting, it ...