此外,还分别从二元异质结构的 GO@ZIF-8 和 GO@mPDA中合成了二维海龟壳状微孔碳(TMC)和二维介孔碳(MPC),以研究多孔性对缓解重堆叠二维碳可利用表面积损失的影响。在1M H2SO4 中,HTMC 在所有扫描速率下(500mV s-1时93.7Fg-1...
Due to the good heterogeneous interface between 2D SnS2 and 2D ZIF‐8 nanosheet, 2D/2D ZIF‐8/SnS2 nanocomposites formed a large contact interface, leading to high efficient interfacial charge transfer efficiency and shortening the distance of charge transmission. As a result, the optimized SnS2...
就单层和双层ZIF NP阵列而言,ZIF NPs紧密连接,其界面在高温下提供向外收缩力,从而形成中空内部。以通过四个六边形{110}面排列的TR-Z8-1 NPs为例,连接面作为界面在热解过程中驱动向外收缩。如图4d,g所示,碳产物(TR-Z8-1-C和TR-Z8-2-C)的TEM显示出空腔的形成。 图4. TR-Z8-1-C和TR-Z8-2-C的制...
The nanocomposites of MoS2 nanosheets with the metal–organic framework, ZIF-8, have been synthesized starting with the layers of 1T-MoS2 generated by Li intercalation of bulk MoS2, followed by exfoliation. The nanocomposites contain the Zn–S bond and exhibit reasonably high surface areas. They ...
constructed a multi-functional protective layer (ZGL) which consists of zeolitic imidazolate framework (ZIF-8) decorated graphene oxide (GO) and PVDF to regu- late the deposition behavior of Zn2+ on ultrathin Zn anode [100]. The ZIF-8 grown on GO nanosheets enhanced Zn2+ deposition...
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[100]. The ZIF-8 grown on GO nanosheets enhanced Zn2+deposition property and homogenized ion flux to implement smooth deposition. At the same time, PVDF worked as a separator, allowing the protective layer to completely separate anodes and electrolytes and suppressing side reactions through ...
一种三明治纳米材料ZIF-8@Au@ZIF-67及其制备方法和应用 本发明公开了一种三明治纳米材料ZIF8@Au@ZIF67及其制备方法和应用,该材料的分子式为ZIF8@Au@ZIF67,以ZIF8为内核,中间层为Au纳米团簇,最外层为ZIF67.本发明三明治材料的合成条件温和,不需要PVP等其他添加剂.该材料可用于催化末端炔羰基化反应,能有效转换CO...