Due to the good heterogeneous interface between 2D SnS2 and 2D ZIF‐8 nanosheet, 2D/2D ZIF‐8/SnS2 nanocomposites formed a large contact interface, leading to high efficient interfacial charge transfer efficiency and shortening the distance of charge transmission. As a result, the optimized SnS2...
此外,还分别从二元异质结构的 GO@ZIF-8 和 GO@mPDA中合成了二维海龟壳状微孔碳(TMC)和二维介孔碳(MPC),以研究多孔性对缓解重堆叠二维碳可利用表面积损失的影响。在1M H2SO4 中,HTMC 在所有扫描速率下(500mV s-1时93.7Fg-1...
作者利用ZIF-8为前驱体,经过一步高温固相反应,便可得到碳包覆结构的ZnTe@C (ZC)颗粒,后续对其做表面改性处理,使得ZC在水溶液中拥有较高的正电位,由于MXene表面天然拥有带负电的官能团,两者在水溶液中会自发的组装在一起。SEM,TEM表征显示,ZC...
The nanocomposites of MoS2 nanosheets with the metal–organic framework, ZIF-8, have been synthesized starting with the layers of 1T-MoS2 generated by Li intercalation of bulk MoS2, followed by exfoliation. The nanocomposites contain the Zn–S bond and exhibit reasonably high surface areas. They ...
首先,合成出单分散的截短菱形十二面体ZIF-8 (TR-Z8)纳米颗粒,以及具有立方相的ZIF-8 (Cub-Z8)纳米颗粒。将MOF悬浮液快速冷冻在液N2中,并通过冷冻干燥形成自组装超结构。如图2a-d中的SEM和TEM所示,TR-Z8 NPs以有序的方式堆积在自组装单层中。图2e-f显示两个TR-Z8 NPs通过正方形{100}面完美对齐,并暴...
constructed a multi-functional protective layer (ZGL) which consists of zeolitic imidazolate framework (ZIF-8) decorated graphene oxide (GO) and PVDF to regu- late the deposition behavior of Zn2+ on ultrathin Zn anode [100]. The ZIF-8 grown on GO nanosheets enhanced Zn2+ deposition...
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N5600 系列采用业内领先的影像平台和 Adaptus 6.0 影像技术,将条码和 OCR 字体的读取性能提升到全新的水平,并且具有无与伦比的速度和精度。该系统的核心是新型图象传感器,后者是世界上首款专为优化条码读取性能而设计的传感器。这款风格独特的传感器采用先进的照明设计,支持获取条形码解码图像,具有出色的抗抖动性。...
A layered GO/ZIF-8 composite is prepared by transforming Zn5(OH)8(NO3)2⋅2 H2O (ZnON) nanoplates to ZIF-8 through a chemical vapor deposition approach using 2-methylimidazole (2-MeIm) vapor. The ZIF-8 are directly carbonized on the surface of GO, forming rGO/ZIF-8-derived nitrogen...