Is it object-oriented programming for the sake of it with no real benefits? As it happens, theseentity typesas I shall call them (for example, a coin is an entity type; an enemy is an entity type) have more in common than it might first appear. They all have: a starting p...
Therefore, to guarantee the dependability of data transmission in the IoV environment, this paper designs a blind signature scheme for IoV based on two-dimensional sine cosine cross-chaotic mapping (2D-SCML) image encryption and lattice cipher (BSS-IoV). The innovation of this scheme is that it...
Sinusoidal positional encoding makes use of the sine and cosine functions to generate a wavelength that represents the frequency for different word tokens. The positional encoding can be calculated with the equations below: 𝑃𝐸(𝑝𝑜𝑠,2𝑗)=sin(𝑝𝑜𝑠/100002𝑗/𝑑𝑚𝑜𝑑𝑒...
是的位置embedding,它由sine-cosineposition函数生成: 3.3. Anchor Points to Object Query 解码器中的为目标查询向量,它们负责区分不同的目标。但是上面式子中的目标查询可解释性比较差,因为每个查询对应的目标都没有显式的约束。 在本文中,作者提出基于锚点的查询。代表其位置的个点。然后,基于锚点的目标查询可以...