UnityEngine.Profiling UnityEngine.Purchasing UnityEngine.Rendering UnityEngine.SceneManagement UnityEngine.Scripting UnityEngine.Serialization UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms UnityEngine.Sprites UnityEngine.TestTools UnityEngine.Tizen UnityEngine.UI UnityEngine.Video UnityEngine.VR UnityEngine.Windows UnityEngine.WSA Cl...
UnityEngine.Profiling UnityEngine.Purchasing UnityEngine.Rendering UnityEngine.SceneManagement UnityEngine.Scripting UnityEngine.Serialization UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms UnityEngine.Sprites UnityEngine.Tizen UnityEngine.UI UnityEngine.VR UnityEngine.Windows UnityEngine.WSA Classes AccelerationEvent AnchoredJoint2D And...
Particle system with projectile and linear motion Entity system with animation tracks Audio engine with approx. dozen audio elements Lua based scripting for entities, scenes and UIs Built-in Lua script editor with code formatting, API help and code completion ...
“To create a blueprint for our final animation, our motion capture shoot involved multiple performers playing Mufasa, Sarabi, Taka, Rafiki and even Zazu” explains Valdez. “They wore motion capture suits, and through a process we call ‘QuadCap,’ their movements were mapped onto digital lion...
Encryption: Protect yourIP and private data from being stolen while at rest or in motion. Unique security for each device at the time of manufacturing: With one click, BGN-SAT automatically generates and securely s...
The ability to control the factor of Motion Blur effect per object. Simple 3D Renderer: Cut volumes support. Material: Specular shading model has been removed. Modeling tool has been improved (old name is Builder 3D). Many of actions of the tool are refactored to work better. Surface Area...
A 1D finite element method in time domain is developed,where the wave motion of free field in elastic half-space by SH wave oblique incidence is simulated.The horizontal propagation characteristic of plane wave is revealed on the basis of Snell law,when the elastic half-space is discreted by...
变量 enabled启用的 Behaviour 可更新,禁用的 Behaviour 不可更新。 isActiveAndEnabled是否已激活并启用 Behaviour? gameObject此组件附加到的游戏对象。始终将组件附加到游戏对象。 tag此游戏对象的标签。 transform附加到此 GameObject 的 Transform。 colliderMask允许用于选择特定层的遮罩与特效器交互作用。
UnityEngine.Profiling UnityEngine.Rendering UnityEngine.SceneManagement UnityEngine.Scripting UnityEngine.Serialization UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms UnityEngine.SpatialTracking UnityEngine.Sprites UnityEngine.TestTools UnityEngine.Tilemaps UnityEngine.Timeline UnityEngine.Tizen UnityEngine.U2D UnityEngine.UI UnityEngin...
UnityEditor.Profiling.Memory OtherWheelJoint2D class in UnityEngine / Inherits from:AnchoredJoint2D Description 借助轮式关节,可以通过使用可选电机提供约束悬挂运动来模拟车轮。 另请参阅:JointSuspension2D。 Variables jointAngle 当前关节角度(以度为单位)定义为关节连接的两个 Rigidbody2D 之间的相对角度。 joint...