2D MOFs衍生材料的合成方法主要包括热解、氧化和其他合成方法。 ▲Figure1.(a) Diagram of FeOOH/LDH synthesis. (b) Schematic for the preparation of Co/CoO@COF. (c) The synthesis process of Co3O4/NC. 二、二维MOF的电催化性能 虽然部分...
However, the complexity of both the general synthesis and structure–activity relationships remain the long‐standing challenges in this field. Herein, we report a versatile 2D MOF‐assisted pyrolysis‐displacement‐alloying route to successfully synthesize a series of binary, ternary and even high‐...
most SC–MOFs still show moderate magnetism because the spin coupling of metal ions is constrained within the MOF structure, and the presence of large–size ligands promotes the establishment of random spin arrangements23. As a result, SC–MOFs are highly susceptible to an imbalance in magnetoelect...
继而,研究人员发现合成具有高度离域π电子的2D MOF是开发新型铁磁MOF半导体的有效方法。实验结果有望激发科研人员对MOF材料在铁磁和半导体特性以及自旋电子应用进行更多的物理研究,并通过结合化学气相沉积方法(CVD)和界面协助合成方法(interface-assisted synthesis)生长单晶MOF或厚度可调、大尺寸晶畴的二维MOF薄膜以进一步实...
The resultant PW/CNTs@Ni-MOF composite PCMs yield an excellent photothermal energy conversion efficiency of 93.2%, a good phase change enthalpy of 126.5 J/g, and great microwave absorption with –20.65 dB minimum reflection loss at 7.27 GHz....
b) 晶圆级2D MOF薄膜制备示意图。 c) TCPP与Cu2+的配位反应示意图。 图2Cu2(TCPP) MOF薄膜的光学表征 a) 4英寸石英玻璃照片。 b) 4英寸晶圆级Cu2(TCPP) MOF薄膜照片。 c)采用溶液法和面对面限域生长法制备的Cu2(TCPP) MOFs的紫外-可见吸收光谱。
要点2.得益于更高的金属密度和更短的平面内金属-金属距离,Cu-Salphen-MOF表现出优异的NO2传感性能(100 ppm,766%),具有良好的灵敏度、选择性和可逆性。 要点3.该工作不仅拓宽了使用C2v对称配体构建2Dc-MOF的种类和孔结构,而且为直接从非平面配体构建2Dc-MOF开辟了一条新途径,极大地简化了合成,为设计基于2Dc...
Local structure evolvement in MOF single crystals unveiled by scanning transmission electron microscopy. Chem. Mater. 32, 4966–4972 (2020). CAS Google Scholar Cao, Y. et al. Unconventional superconductivity in magic-angle graphene superlattices. Nature 556, 43–50 (2018). CAS Google Scholar ...
2D MOF nanosheets have several advantages, such as high purity, ultrathin layer thickness, well refined surface area, abundant exposed unsaturated metal sites, and adjustable chemical composition compared with their 3D counterpart [97]. The drug-loading capacity of 2D MOF nanosheets make them benefici...
2D MOFs are 2D and 3D solids mainly produced through self-assembly of metal ions and organic units of interest [137]. 2D MOF layers with similar dimension-related properties to other 2D frameworks such as large surface areas, high intrinsic porosities and abundant accessible active sites could ...