This means that the 2D Kitaev model is not an example of a memory, neither quantum nor classical.R AlickiM FannesM HorodeckiJournal of Physics: A Mathematical & TheoreticalAlicki2009] R. Alicki, M. Fannes, and M. Horodecki. On thermalization in Kitaev's 2D model. J. Phys. A, 42,...
二维xy模型中展现的涡旋相变,是拓扑物理发展的前奏。更不要提那位令人景仰的Kitaev先生,他在二维蜂窝点阵中得到Kitaev模型严格解,给量子自旋液体和量子磁性低能激发以恢弘前景。 除此之外,“螺旋模式”也在向低维挺进。当一维Ising模型的求解基本无人问津时,单分子磁性和一维自旋链物...
We study a Kitaev model on a square lattice, which describes topologically\ntrivial superconductor when gap opens, while supports topological gapless phase\nwhen gap closes. The degeneracy points are characterized by two vortices in\nmomentum space, with opposite winding numbers, which are not ...
摘要: Recently, the investigation of the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev (SYK) models (Quantum mechanical model of N >> 1 complex fermions with random all-to-all interactions) and their connection to two-dimensional gravity which ...
& Kitaev, A. Effects of interactions on the topological classification of free fermion systems. Phys. Rev. B 81, 134509 (2010). Article ADS Google Scholar Song, Z., Fang, Z. & Fang, C. (d -2) -Dimensional edge states of rotation symmetry protected topological states. Phys. Rev. ...
In time series analysis, many Transformer-based models adopt the attention mechanism or its variants to capture the pair-wise temporal dependencies among time points (Li et al., 2019; Kitaev et al., 2020; Zhou et al., 2021; 2022). But it is hard for attention mechanism to find out ...
Thermal fractionalization of quantum spins in a Kitaev model: Temperature-linear specific heat and coherent transport of Majorana fermions. Phys. Rev. B 92, 115122 (2015). Article ADS CAS Google Scholar Nasu, J. & Motome, Y. Thermodynamics of chiral spin liquids with abelian and non-abelian...
Effects of spin vacancies on magnetic properties of the Kitaev-Heisenberg model Effects of spin vacancies depend sensitively on the type of the ground state. In the liquid phase, the magnetization pattern around a single vacancy in ... F Trousselet,G Khaliullin,P Horsch - 《Phys.rev.b》 被...
We consider the double-scaling limit in the hermitian matrix model for 2D quantum gravity associated with the measure exp ... AS Fokas,AR Its,AV Kitaev - 《Communications in Mathematical Physics》 被引量: 574发表: 1992年 AdS2 Quantum Gravity and String Theory AdS2 has an SL(2,R) isometry...
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