Figure 2. Epitaxy vapor-assisted growth of uniform 2D/3D perovskites. Top surface SEM images of (a) control 3D perovskite with vapor-deposited PbI2 and (b) control 2D/3D perovskite. c) A cross-sectional SEM image of the planarized 2D/3D perovskite. Top surface SEM images of (d) planariz...
Figure 2. Epitaxy vapor-assisted growth of uniform 2D/3D perovskites. Top surface SEM images of (a) control 3D perovskite with vapor-deposited PbI2 and (b) control 2D/3D perovskite. c) A cross-sectional SEM image of the planarized 2D/3D perovskite. Top surface SEM images of (d) planariz...
首先单看XY轴,对应于光源从片子正上方打下来,对应派派堆积,010,out of plane;单看z轴,对应于...
实验室新手一枚,方向是有机太阳能电池活性层材料,在很多文献中都看到用2D-GIWAXS来分析材料的分子取向和晶体取向,度娘也没怎么清楚的解释,求大神详细解释一下,怎么看懂图谱。谢啦。下图是截取的,作为例子。图片1.png 展开 0评论 +关注 共6个回答 时岫,给排水工程师 2018-03-26回答 您好,你的问题解决了吗?
GIWAXS(掠入射广角X-射线散射有些光源称为掠入射漫反射),虽然制备的是薄膜样品,但与2D粉末衍射技术一致,在该软件中选择这个模块 常用功能:(红色为重要按钮) Exit:退出 BEAM CENTRE:标定光标中心(有标样时无需使用这个功能) FULL:自动全图显示 OUTPUT:导出数据 ...
Fig. 1┃Structural characterizations of the bottom-up 2D/3D heterojunction at buried interface.a, ToF-SIMS profile of ITO/NiOx/PTAA/Al2O3/perovskite with bottom-up 2D/3D perovskite heterojunction at buried interface (2D spacer species: CN- and Cl-, ammonium salt: CN-).b, 2D GIWAXS mappi...
Download: Download full-size image Figure 2. Hierarchy Structure Characterization and Schematic Structure of Perovskite Films (A–C) Structure characterization of the control film. (A) GIWAXS images of surface structure (incident angle of 0.2°), (B) GIWAXS images of deep part structure (incident...
GIWAXS深入解读钙钛矿与复合结构表征 | 在过去两年中,GIWAXS技术在Nature和Science等顶级期刊中大放异彩,其在钙钛矿材料表征中的应用日益广泛。通过这项技术,研究人员能够深入理解钙钛矿材料的微观结构,从而优化材料性能,推动钙钛矿太阳能电池、LED等领域的发展。在本次课程中,将带领大家回顾一系列精彩的研究案例:从3D/2D...
Fig. 2: In situ GIWAXS patterns for (MAPbBr3)0.05(FAPbI3)0.95and MAPbI3. aIn situ GIWAXS patterns in the range ofq = −0.1–1.1 Å−1for a film of MAPbI3treated with a solution of 5 mg/mL VBABr in IPA.i-PbI2 = intercalated PbI2.bContour map of azimuthal...