{2D} Conforming Triangulations and MeshesRineau, Laurent
However, using mesh sizing functions defined on gridded interpolants significantly slow down both Gmsh and CGAL. In these cases, SeismicMesh and Gmsh perform similarly both outperforming CGAL's 3D mesh generator in terms of mesh generation time. All methods produce 3D triangulations that have a mi...
The optimal bounds for the IFE interpolation errors are proved on shape-regular triangulations. For the IFE method, optimal a priori error and condition number estimates are derived with constants independent of the location of the interface with respect to the unfitted mesh. The extension to ...
Unstructured meshesDelaunay triangulationsAnalytical solutionA new methodology for the solution of the 2D diffusive shallow water equations over Delaunay unstructured triangular meshes is presented. Before developing the new algorithm, the following question is addressed: it is worth developing and using a ...