原因是2950(2960一样)只支持dot1q,所以不用写switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q/isl的命令。3560以上才支持dot1q和isl,才有encapsulation的命令。2960是二层交换直接打sw mode trunk就可以了,后面不需要封装的的创建VLAN 的方式有两种,一种是在特权模式下,另外一种在全局配置模式下,看你做什...
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the new image (or that the ios has made it a layer 2 switch completely) but it's been a huge pain. I've made sure that the dhcp settings on the comcast router is correct, the default gateway is set on the switch, and that the interfaces are on the proper vlan which is...
2891001 FL SWITCH SFNB 5TX菲尼克斯交换机 供应 台达工业交换机 DVS-008I00 马可会员 山东百谷信息技术有限公司 身份验证: 注册资本:1100万元 企业类型: 公司地区:中国 山东 济南 主营产品:华为,戴尔,H3C,联想,浪潮,思科 进入店铺 产品分类 无线AP 网络行为管理设 防火墙 产品详情 品牌:CISCO/思科 型号:WS...
the new image (or that the ios has made it a layer 2 switch completely) but it's been a huge pain. I've made sure that the dhcp settings on the comcast router is correct, the default gateway is set on the switch, and that the interfaces are on the proper vlan which is...