马来西亚马元Malaysian DollarM.$;Mal.$MYR1MYR=100 cents(分) 新加坡新加坡元Ssingapore DollarS.$SGD1SGD=100 cents(分) 泰国泰铢Thai Baht (Thai Tical)BT.;Tc.THP1THP=100 satang(萨当) 缅甸缅元Burmese KyatK.BUK1BUK=100 pyas(分) 斯里兰卡斯里兰卡卢比Sri Lanka RupeeS.Re. 复数:S.Rs.LKR1LKR=1...
Dollars. Import supports both money value and currency. The user preferred currency is chosen if currency is not specified in source file. If the source file is a delimited text file or an Excel file, money values can be combined with currency code, in this format USD:100, or separate ...