Print datasheet MSDS ¥2200/100 μL Cat No.27309-1-AP 浓度:1000 ug/ml 库存:现货 Size humanIHC See more citations
proteintech.27309-1-AP KI67 Polyclonal antibody 50μL 4 5 销售价:(节省¥307.00) 市场价:¥1432.00 会员价:最低¥1125.00起更多会员价6 商品评分:///...(共0人评论) (产品信息仅供参考,请与客服确认实际情况后再下单) 货品编号:proteintech.27309-1-AP 数量:-...
Immunohistochemical analysis of paraffin-embedded human tonsillitis tissue slide using 27309-1-AP (KI67 antibody) at dilution of 1:16000 (under 40x lens). Heat mediated antigen retrieval with Tris-EDTA buffer (pH 9.0).View All Images (24) IHC staining of K-562 using 27309-1-AP Immunohistoche...