Cat No.26975-1-AP 浓度:1000 ug/ml 库存:现货 点击咨询售前客服 点击咨询售后客服 mouseIHC mouseIF Neuron Astrocytic ApoE reprograms neuronal cholesterol metabolism and histone-acetylation-mediated memory. mouseIF Sci Adv CGG repeat RNA G-quadruplexes interact with FMRpolyG to cause neuronal dysfunction...
Cat No.26975-1-AP Freight/Packing:- Country/Region Size/Concentration Quantity Proteintech Guarantee Request bulk or custom quote Tested Applications Positive WB detected inmouse brain tissue, rat brain tissue Positive IHC detected inrat cerebellum tissue ...
proteintech.26975-1-AP NeuN Polyclonal antibody 100 μL 4 5 销售价: 市场价: 会员价:最低起更多会员价6 商品评分:///...(共0人评论) (产品信息仅供参考,请与客服确认实际情况后再下单) 货品编号:proteintech.26975-1-AP 数量:-+支 正品货源...
For other applications, we recommend the unconjugated version of this antibody, 26975-1-AP 推荐稀释比 ApplicationDilution Immunofluorescence (IF)-P IF-P : 1:50-1:500 It is recommended that this reagent should be titrated in each testing system to obtain optimal results. Sample-dependent, Check...
被人类用基因技术克隆出来的最强宠物小精灵超梦(市村正亲 配音)带着对自我身份的疑惑和对人类强大的愤怒逃离了科研所,它宣布要对制造出自己的人类进行复仇。 已经得到了八个勋章的小智(松本梨香 配音),以成为宠物小精灵训练大师为目标而不断的旅行,他带着皮卡丘(大谷育江 配音)和同伴小霞(饭冢雅弓 配音)小刚(...
AP 多羟基胺基聚醚 BNE 新型环氧树脂 APP 无规聚丙烯 BNS β-萘磺酸甲醛低缩合物 AR 丙烯酸酯橡胶 BOA 己二酸辛苄酯 AS 丙烯腈-苯乙烯共聚物 BOP 邻苯二甲酰丁辛酯 ASA 丙烯腈-苯乙烯-丙烯酸酯共聚物 BOPP 双轴向聚丙烯 ASE 烷基磺酸酯 BP 苯甲醇 ATT 靛蓝 BPA 双酚A AU AW 聚酯型聚氨酯橡胶 6-乙氧基-2,...
For other applications, we recommend the unconjugated version of this antibody, 26975-1-AP 推荐稀释比 ApplicationDilution Immunofluorescence (IF)-P IF-P : 1:50-1:500 Flow Cytometry (FC) (INTRA) FC (INTRA) : 0.80 ug per 10^6 cells in a 100 µl suspension Flow Cytometry (FC) FC : ...
For other applications, we recommend the unconjugated version of this antibody, 26975-1-AP 推荐稀释比 ApplicationDilution Immunofluorescence (IF)-P IF-P : 1:50-1:500 Flow Cytometry (FC) (INTRA) FC (INTRA) : 0.40 ug per 10^6 cells in a 100 µl suspension Flow Cytometry (FC) FC : ...
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