Aluminum 2618-T6 星星-RAN 结构工程师物理特性(Physical Properties) 密度(Density):2.76 g/cm3 (g/cc) 机械性能(Mechanical Properties) 蠕变强度(Creep Strength): 14.0 MPa(2030 psi)(@Temperature 315℃ Time 3.60e+6 sec) 15.0 MPa(2180 psi)(@Temperature 315℃ Time 3.60e+5 sec) 17.0 MPa(2470 ps...
Paris LawFatigue tests at both room and elevated temperature (230掳C) were carried out to understand the fatigue behavior of the 2618-T6 under such conditions. SEM fractography was performed in the fracture surfaces and a considerable amount of ductile intergranular fracture was found. A ...
温轧态2618A铝合金高应变速率超塑性的研究Study of High Strain Rate Superplasticity of 2618 Aluminum Alloy The superplasticity of warm-rolled 26 1 8A aluminum alloy has been investigated at temperatures 470~550℃ and strain rate range of 10~(-3)~10~(-1)S~(-1),... Z Cui,W Zhong,L Yong...
aluminum alloyfatigue life predictionparis law modificationductile intergranular fracturestereophotogrammetrySummary This chapter contains sections titled: Introduction Theoretical and Experimental Basis of the Model Results Conclusions Acknowledgmentsdoi:10.1002/9781119041498.ch17Srivatsan, T.S....
The identification and the development of a quantification technique of the modes of fracture in fatigue fracture surfaces of a 2618-T6 aluminum alloy were developed during this research. Fatigue tests at room and high temperature (230 掳C) were carried out to be able to compare the ...
Aluminum Alloy, Die and Hand Forgings, Rolled Rings, and Forging Stock 2.3Cu - 1.6Mg - 1.1Fe - 1.0Ni - 0.18Si - 0.07Ti (2618-T61) Solution and Precipitation Heat Treateddoi:SAE AMS4132H本规范涵盖标称厚度小于等于4英寸(102 mm)的模锻件,手工锻件和轧制环的铝合金,以及任何尺寸的锻坯(见8.6)...
Aluminum Alloy, Die and Hand Forgings, Rolled Rings, and Forging Stock 2.3Cu - 1.6Mg - 1.1Fe - 1.0Ni - 0.18Si - 0.07Ti (2618-T61) Solution and Precipitation Heat Treateddoi:SAE AMS4132G本规范涵盖模锻,手工锻件,轧制环和锻坯形式的铝合金.这些产品通常用于在450mDF(232mDC)及600mDF(316mDC)...
The identification and the development of a quantification technique of the modes of fracture in fatigue fracture surfaces of a 2618-T6 aluminum alloy were developed during this research. Fatigue tests at room and high temperature (230 掳C) were carried out to be able to compare the microscopic...