Rain Water is the second solar term of the twenty - four solar terms. When the Rain Water solar term arrives, there is still no sign of spring in northern China. However, most parts of southern China are full of spring vitality, presenting an early - ...
24 Solar Terms —— Rain Water (雨水) 学 认识雨水; 习 认识雨水的相关内容; 目 标 学会表达。 Contents Vocabulary Introduction Features Practice Chapter 1 Vocabulary Vocabulary increase /ɪnˈkriːs/ v. 增长,增强 【短语】increase in (使)在…增加 【例句】We need to increase productivity. ...
Vision Z|24 Solar Terms:Rain Water Rain Water begins this year on February 18 at 18:06:18. Rain Water signifies the beginning of rain, which usually occurs as a light drizzle or fine mist. As Rain Water arrives, the sun's direct rays begin to move from the southern hemisphere towards...
24SolarTerms——RainWater(雨水) 学习目标认识雨水;认识雨水的相关内容;学会表达。 ContentsVocabularyFeaturesIntroductionPractice Chapter1Vocabulary increase/?n?kri?s/v.增长,增强【短语】increasein(使)在…增加【例句】Weneedtoincreaseproductivity.我们需要提高生产力。Vocabulary ...
Rain Water, also known as "Yu Shui" in Chinese, is the second solar term in the traditional Chinese lunar calendar. During this period, the temperature gradually rises, and the snow and ice begin to melt, leading to increased rainfall and water levels. Feel the vitality and passion of out...
The Rain Water solar term is the second of the 24 solar terms in the traditional Chinese calendar, usually occurring between February 18th and 20th each year. The name "Rain Water" comes from the fact that during this period, te...
Rain Water is one of the 24 solar terms which stands for the increase in rainfall and rise in temperature. With its arrival, the frozen river water melts, and geese move from south to north, and trees and grass turn green again. Here are several things you may not know about Rain Water...
The drizzle is moist and silent everything sprouts spring,when the ship of the 24 solar terms slowly turns to the rain,between the world of Wendeng then spread out a delicate and gentle picture of spring,the rain is like a shine Maiden dot softly dot quietly,with her delicate fingers pluck...
Rain Water is one of the 24solar terms which stands for the increase(增加) in rainfall and rise in temperature. With its arrival the river water melts, wild geese fly from south to north and trees and grass turn green again. Here are several things you may not know but can make you...