Across Asia, prices for most finished steel products and slabs continue to fall. In the market for flat products, lower slab prices, higher output of finished products across the region and tighter import restrictions into China, in particular for HR coil, have combined to push prices for sheet...
本院经审理查明: 引证商标在部分商品上已被撤销,公告于第1681期注册商标撤销公告上。 上述事实,有诉争商标及引证商标商标档案、商标驳回通知书、被诉决定、当事人陈述、当事人提供的证据材料等在案佐证。 本院认为 本院认为,鉴于本案引证商标在部分上商品上的注册被撤销,诉争商标注册的权利障碍已发生变化,并已影...