首个225Ac 核药启动 III 期临床 当地时间 3 月 3 日,ClinicalTrials.gov 官网显示,诺华登记了一项225Ac-PSMA-617(AAA817)治疗PSMA 阳性转移性去势抵抗性前列腺癌(mCRPC)的 III 期临床研究(代号:AcTFirst)。 来源:ClinicalTrials.gov 官网 AcTFirst 是一项开放标签...
[225Ac]Ac-PSMA-617(AAA817)是一款PSMA靶向放射性配体疗法,其将PSMA-617与发射α射线的核素Ac-225连接在一起,与表达PSMA的前列腺癌细胞结合后,Ac-225释放的辐射能量会有效杀死癌细胞。 AAA817是诺华目前在研放药中进展最快的药物之一,在ClinicalTrials网站...
225Ac-PSMA-671 TAT showed promising anti-tumor activity, sustained response and low treatment-related toxicities.Madhav YadavSanjana BallalChandrasekhar BalMadhavi TripathiJournal of Nuclear Medicine
目前,225Ac标记的放射性治疗药物在全球范围内均未获得批准上市。2021年后,各放射性研发企业都在布局225Ac标记的放射性治疗药物。从clinicaltrials.gov网站进行检索,合计发现30项有关225Ac标记放射性治疗药物临床试验,除由一些院校申办的外,企业发起的注册性临床试验详见下表: ...
First clinical experience with 225Ac-PSMA-617 demonstrates promising antitumor activity with a 63%-70% PSA>50%-response rate, 10-15 months duration of response and complete remissions in approximately ten percent of patients, some of them with enduring relapse-free survival. Nevertheless, without ...
Gamma detection (a) and liquid scintillation (b) of Ac-225 from different chemical forms after injection of [225Ac]Ac-PSMA-I&T (method Fig. 9) Full size image In the clinical quality control setting, indirect measurement must be implemented; measuring gamma emissions of the daughter radionucli...
To date, the patient has received 3 cycles of 225Ac-PSMA with cumulative activity of 22 MBq. He has demonstrated overall great clinical, biochemical (sPSA to 0.2 ug/L) and imaging response to targeted alpha therapy with no significant side effects or toxicity. A restaging 68Ga-PSMA PET/CT...
We evaluate imaging and tumor marker response as well as clinical and hematological toxicity of targeted alpha-radiation therapy with Ac-225-PSMA-617 (TAT) in inter-individual comparison to Lu-177-PSMA-617 in dependency of prognostic factors.DOI...
Targeted radionuclide therapy of prostate cancer-from basic research to clinical perspectives. Molecules. 2020;25. https:// doi.org/10.3390/molecules25071743. 2. Khreish F, Ebert N, Ries M, Maus S, Rosar F, Bohnenberger H, et al. (225)Ac-PSMA-617/(177)Lu-PSMA-617 tandem therapy of ...