of the code, and completed the identification of the applicable law for the case. Ultimately, based on the provisions of the "Indonesian Civil Code" regarding the invalidity of contracts, the court ruled in favor of Minonop's claim...
Luo Peixin, Deputy Director of Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Justice, Member of the Party Committee.Doctor of Law from Peking University, Post-doctoral Fellow from the Institute of Law of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Professor ...
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, 02139, Massachusetts, USA David Whittleston & Dara Entekhabi Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research — Earth System Analysis, Potsdam, 14412, Germany Dim Coumou Institute for Marine and Coastal Scien...
Article 51 Whoever infringes41 upon the lawful rights and interests of a disabled person and causes property or other losses or damage shall compensate42 for the losses or damage according to law or bear other civil liabilities. Article 52 Whoever infringes upon the right of person or to other...
5.0 (1人评价) 我要评价: 投诉举报 用手机看文档 下载 开通VIP Financial Innovation Peter Tufano* Revised: June 16, 2002 Peter Tufano Sylvan C. Coleman Professor of Financial Management Harvard Business School Soldiers Field Boston, Massachusetts 02163 ptufano@ Abstract: This essay surveys the literatu...
Le sport est l’un des piliers de la condition du personnel. Qu’il soit civil oumilitaire, le personnel du ministère des Armées doit pouvoir maintenir sa condition physique grâce au sport dans un souci de sant...