研究结果表明,焊趾形状对接头的伸长率影响显著,数值计算的结果中伸长率最低值与最高值相差达96.9%;启裂侧焊趾处于焊缝和部分熔化区时接头伸长率高于焊趾处于焊缝与部分熔化区交界处的.%Tungsten inert gas (TIG)welded joints for 2219-T87 aluminum alloy are often used inthe fuel tanks of large launch ...
铝合金 板材 6.3Cu - 0.30Mn - 0.06Ti - 0.10V - 0.18Zr 热处理 冷加工(8%)和沉淀热处理(2219-T87), Aluminum Alloy, Sheet and Plate, 6.3Cu - 0.30Mn - 0.06Ti - 0.10V - 0.18Zr, Solution
2219铝合金是美国铝业公司(Alcoa)于1954年为在315 ℃条件下工作的零件而研制的耐热可焊铝合金,在260~315 ℃下其力学性能均高于当时所有的铝合金,后来的研究工作表明,2219合金的低温性能也极为良好,在-250~250 ℃温度范围内都具有较好的韧性[1]。在国内外被广泛用于运载火箭液氢、液氧推进剂贮箱结构材料,如土星...
The quench sensitivity of 6.4mm thick 2219-T87 plate was investigated by using the improved quench factor analysis method and the data of Swartzendruber et al. (NBSIR 80-2069, National Bureau of Standards, 1980). This study was exceptional for the breadth and quality of the investigations. ...
"Effect of process parameters on friction stir welding of aluminum alloy 2219-T87." The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 50.9 (2010): 941-952.Arora KS, Pandey S, Schaper M, Kumar R (2010) Effect of process parameters on friction stir welding of aluminum alloy 2219-...
服役应力低于其屈服强度时,FSW和TIG焊接态2219T87铝铜合金的1×10 5 h蠕变量均不超过1%。 关键词:铝合金;常温蠕变;搅拌摩擦焊;TIG焊;曲线拟合 中图分类号:TG407文献标志码:A Creepbehaviorandforecastofweldedjointfor 2219T87aluminumalloyatroomtemperature LIZhuang 1 ,FUXue-song 1 ,CHANGZhi-long 2 ,ZHOUWen...
In current work, FPPW experiments of 6mm thick 2219-T87 aluminum alloy using cylindrical plug hole, arc- shaped plug and supporting plate were carried out at large axial welding force and low rotation speed, and then the weld for‐ mation and mechanical ...
摘要 在主轴转速250~350 r/min、横向移动速度50~150 mm/min工艺参数下进行2219-T87铝合金搅拌摩擦沉积增材(additive friction stir deposition,AFSD)实验,探究工...展开更多 The additive friction stir deposition(AFSD)experiment of 2219 aluminum alloy was conducted under the process parameters of the spindle ...