The infrared spectrum of CO adsorbed on Ni(100) displays an additional high-frequency band at about 2200 cm co-existing with the IR bands due to terminal and bridging CO at temperatures below 130 K. The 2200 cm band is attributed to the internal stretching mode of CO molecules weakly ...
某化合物分子式为C5H7O2N,IR谱显示在1700cm-1左右有强吸收峰,在2200cm-1左右有较弱的吸收峰,1H NMR谱如下图所示,关于该化合物的性质以下推测正确的是:【图片】A、该化合物在紫外可见光谱( 200nm-800nm )中可观察到吸收峰。 B、该化合物经酸性水解可生成丙二酸。 C、该化合物能与 2,4 二硝基苯肼反应。
2 Botão Início Ir para a tela inicial. 3 Botão Voltar Retornar à tela anterior. 4 Botão Iniciar Inicie um trabalho, dependendo do modo selecionado. 5 Luz indicadora Verificar o status da impressora. 6 Visor • Exibir as mensagens da impressora e o status dos suprimen...
The tensile stress passes through a maximum of + 0.96 N/m at 胃 =...doi:10.1016/0039-6028(96)00998-3A. GrossmannW. ErleyH. IbachSurface ScienceA. Grossman,W. Erley,H. Ibach."Co on Ni(100):Observation of a High-Frequency Ir Band at 2200cm(-1)". Surface Science . 1996...
1. The behavior of diazonium salts in solutions was studied by means of the IR absorption spectra in the region of 2200–2300 cm1. Diazonium salts are dissociated into ions in dimethylformamide, methanol, acetone, and ethyl acetate. 2. In dilute solutions the frequency of the valence ...