丹麦克朗(丹麥語:Danske kroner,货币符号:kr; 代码:DKK)是丹麥及其屬地格陵兰的法定貨幣,而另一屬地法羅群島則使用丹麦克朗和法羅克朗两种货币。法罗克朗幣值與丹麥克朗相同,可在法罗群岛自由流通。丹麦克朗通过欧盟汇率机制与欧元挂钩。克朗的复数是"kroner" ,1克朗等于100欧尔,但实际上没有比50欧尔面值更小的货币...
Cross-sectionally, we quantify the price impact of trading in the most frequently traded pairs, such as EURUSD and USDJPY, and compare it with least traded (cross) rates, such as CADJPY and USDDKK, which are up to 200 times larger. On average, the price impact for an international inve...