22:33 neverume mox[257925]: l=info m="new connection" pkg=imapserver remote= local= tls=true listener=public cid=1927697b959 delta="336.105µs" Oct 10 15:22:33 neverume mox[257925]: l=info m="new connection" pkg=imapserver remote=
// app.Listen(":8080") } View engine supports bundled(https://github.com/jteeuwen/go-bindata) template files too. go-bindata gives you two functions, asset and assetNames, these can be setted to each of the template engines using the `.Binary` func. Exampl...
0 432 281 793 KBL97S86/4 DLLA150S495 0 433 271 225 200.0bar SCANIA DS14 0 432 281 810 170075 KBL97S86/4 DLLA150S458 0 433 271 206 175.0bar SCANIA 0 432 131 754 1377575 KDEL109P47 DLLA147P569 0 433 171 430 295.0bar SCANIA 0 432 131 758 1364499 KDEL109P47 DLLA147P538 0...
原来,当机动车驾驶人的驾驶证状态出现异常时,其在“交管12123”APP上申领的,电子驾驶证二维码将变为“红码”,“红码”期间,驾驶人不得驾驶车辆,直到车辆状态正常。 驾驶证的异常状态 电子驾驶证出现红码,主要是因为驾驶证处于不能正常使...