20th Century music: where to start Minimalist music: where to start Film music: where to start The best American composers Elgar (1857–1934) See more Discover Elgar Edward Elgar: Enigma Variations Elgar What’s the history of Elgar’s Cello Concerto – the work with a disastrous premiere?
Russian Visions: 20th-Century Music for Cello & Piano 来自:Alfred Schnittke Cellist Bozidar Vukotic and pianist Alissa Firsova make their debuts on SOMM Recordings with Russian Visions, a revealing survey of chamber duets by three 20th-century giants: Stravinsky, Schnittke and Dmitri Smirnov. Five...
FamousArtistsofthe20thCentury PabloPicasso JacksonPollack HenriMatisse SalvadorDali AndyWarhol WassilyKandinsky PietMondrian GeorgiaO’Keefe ReneMagritte Characteristicsof20thCenturyMusic •Breakeveryexistingrule•Challengetheear•Challengethemind•Respectthepast-looktowardthefuture•Ifitdoesn’twork-copythepast...
Classical Music of the 20th Century: Feel the Sublime Moments来自:Various Artists无 收藏 共20首歌 Autumn ChillJeff Van Devender Twilight SonataMX47 BerceuseBartok Music Water Games for PianoAlexey Kaleynikov Clair de LuneWestern Horizon Productions SauterneLeland Thomas Faegre Debussy. Afternoon of ...
Great Conductors of the 20th Century: Karl Böhm豆瓣评分:8.7 简介:莫扎特:《女人心》序曲爱乐乐团1962年9月录制于伦敦金斯威音乐厅布鲁克纳:第8交响曲科隆WDR交响乐团1974年9月27日录制于科隆Bismarksaal 海顿:第91交响曲维也纳爱乐乐团1973年9月22日录制于
Great Conductors of the 20th Century: Kempe豆瓣评分:9.6 简介:CD 1 勃拉姆斯:悲剧序曲(1)布鲁克纳:第四交响曲(2) CD 2 贝多芬:第三交响曲“英雄”(3)沃尔夫:意大利小夜曲(4)拉威尔:《达夫尼与克洛埃》第二组曲(5)约翰•施特劳斯:轻盈的气质(快
(克里夫兰交响乐团1967年5月5日录音)柴科夫斯基:第5交响曲 (科隆WDR交响乐团1966年6月24日录音)瓦格纳:《纽伦堡的名歌手》序曲 (纽约爱乐乐团1954年1月4日)约瑟夫:施特劳斯:Delirien圆舞曲 (克里夫兰交响乐团1952年1月5日录音)EMI CLASSICS IMG ARTISTS 7243 5 75962 2 0乔治•塞尔在乐手们心中是一个可畏但不...
A bunch of people from hundreds of years ago, but what people don't realize is that Classical music is alive and thriving, in a far different form then even during the Romantic era but its still alive and it greatly thrived during the last century with Avant Garde and the influence of ...
100 BEST 20th CENTURY CLASSICS is another release in EMI’s highly successful 100 BEST series. This 6 CD set covers many of the most popular works composed between 1900 and 1999, as well as representative pieces by composers who broadened the concept of classical music during that period and ...
全部播放 专辑名:100 Best 20th Century Classics CD5 歌手:Classical Artists 发行时间:2009-04-06 简介:二十世纪是音乐史上乐种风格最多元也最歧异、纷杂的一百年,同时它也是音乐史上音乐品味变化最快,快到让许多人无法适应的年代。二十世纪承接了十九世纪绵亙了将近百年的浪漫乐风,也同时拥抱了开始於十九世纪末...