具体来说,“REDscript compilation failed”表示在尝试编译RE脚本(Redux Script)时发生了问题。“Invalid instruction code: 102”似乎指向了具体的代码指令出现了错误或者不识别的情况。出现此问题的原因可能有多种:1. MOD冲突:可能你下载的这个整合包与其他已安装在游戏中的MOD存在冲突。这可能导致某些脚本无法正常工作...
method 'IsItemSandevistan' not found on 'EquipmentSystem'[ERROR - Sat, 4 Jan 2025 00:37:02 +0800] REDScript compilation has failed.This error has been caused by mods listed below:- SystemExYou should check if these mods are outdated and update them if possible. They may also be ...
提示REDScript compilation failed,原因是其中一个前置,但是我把这个前置更新到n网最新版过了的,还是报错...
大佬们,打开游戏弹出REDScript compilation has failed后,可以正常进去游戏,但是商店mod没法用,更新了RED...
进去就闪退,怎么办啊..点开始游戏先一个这个报错:REDScript compilation failed. The game will start, but none of the scripts will take ef
REDScript compilation has failed.This error has been caused by mods listed below:- virtual-atelier-full- EquipmentEx- CyberwareExOne or more of the errors found has a known solution. Here are the recommended steps:- Install Codeware 1.12.7 or higher- Virtual Atelier depends on Codeware but ...
装完MOD后,启动游..所有的MOD都下了。按照说明都解压后放到了游戏目录下。可是一直提示这个错误,点击确定后是可以进游戏的,部分MOD也可以正常使用。但有些就没效果。请问哪位大神帮忙看看,怎么解决啊!!! 感谢了!
一开游戏就报错redscript compilation failed 只看楼主收藏回复 XVXA小绿 基层工员 3 从哪里开始除错吖?昨晚还好好的 送TA礼物 1楼2022-06-07 23:27回复 XVXA小绿 基层工员 3 前几天装了浮空mod let_there_be_flight 2楼2022-06-07 23:29 回复 ...
Right after the clicking PLAY button for Cyberpunk 2077, it popped up the compilation error stated that the REDScript compilation has failed because of this mod. — ArchiveXL 1.18.0+— TweakXL 1.10.6+— Codeware 1.13.0+— RED4ext 1.26.0+— redscript 0.5.25+Everything on the list above...
[ERROR - Sun, 21 Apr 2024 21:48:57 -0500] REDScript compilation has failed.This error has been caused by mods listed below:- EndgameRewardsExpandedYou should check if these mods are outdated and update them if possible. They may also be incompatible with the current version of the game,...