working with the governments of Bahamas and Liberia, has presented a comprehensive new proposal to ensure delivery of the ambitious UN International Maritime Organization’s (IMO) target to achieve net zero greenhouse gas (G...
13. The net-zero 2050 target will result in a GHG intensity of 116 kg GHGs/mt of steel, including scopes 1, 2 and 3 emissions as defined by GSCC, Nucor said. The company also has set an interim 2030 reduction target of 976 kg GHGs/mt of steel, including scopes 1, 2 and 3 ...
North American energy infrastructure companies are setting net-zero emissions targets. Nine constituents in the Alerian Midstream Energy Select Index (AMEI) have a target to reach net-zero emissions by 2050. Companies are modernizing equipment, using more renewable energy, and investing in carbon captu...
On Monday, IATA’s Director-General, Willie Walsh, unveiled a series of roadmaps and guidelines aimed at realising the industry’s net-zero target. According to Walsh, the roadmaps offer a “clear direction” for the sector’s decarbonisation efforts. However, current SAF production falls far...
According to the Global Wind Energy Council, capacity will need to rise to 450 GW by 2030 and to 1150 GW by 2050 for the world to hit the net zero target– it currently sits at around 30 GW. If all goes to plan, offshore wind will be providing up to 25 % of total global power...
承諾SBT歷程,2020年為東亞首家通過SBT Well-Below 2°C路徑的水泥企業,四年來持續根據SBT目標追蹤自身減碳成效,都能緊貼每年目標線完成減碳任務,2023年台泥範疇一減碳績效已在1.5°C路徑上,因此台泥2024年進階設定SBT 1.5°C減碳路徑、包括2030年近程目標(Near-term Target)與2050年淨零目標承諾(Net-Zero Target...
Lord Hollick, Chair of the Committee, said the government 'haven't got a clue' how the UK would reach net zero by 2050, and how it would be paid for. “We now need urgent action from the government to answer outstanding questions on issues, such as how they will incentivise households...
He conceded, however, that achieving net zero across Mars’ supply chain would be a “significant challenge.” “To deliver meaningful impact and ensure it is fit for purpose, our net-zero target covers our entire GHG footprint, from how we source materials through to how consumers use our ...
Malaysian state-run Petronas on November 5 announced its aim to achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2050 as part of its “approach to sustainability that balances environment, social and governance (ESG) considerations”. Petronas said it will continue to intensify its efforts in reducing Scope 1...
A significant part of our net zero target will come from future technologies that capture and convert carbon dioxide into valuable carbon products. We will focus on investing in and developing these technologies and assets. Reduce We will reduce our dependence on traditional manufacturing processes....