4.4Cu-1.5Mg-0.60Mn(2024-T3)固溶热处理和冷加工的拉制无缝铝合金管 Aluminum Alloy Tubing, Seamless, Drawn, 4.4Cu - 1.5Mg - 0.60Mn (2024-T3) Solution Heat Treated and Cold Worked SAE AMS4088H 发布历史 SAE AMS4088H由美国机动车工程师协会 US-SAE 发布于 1990-10-01。 SAE AMS4088H 4.4Cu-1...
铝合金 芳纶纤维增强层压板4.4Cu - 1.5Mg - 0.6Mn(2024-T3)3,5,7或9层 Aluminum Alloy, Aramid Fiber Reinforced, Laminated Sheet, 4.4Cu - 1.5Mg - 0.6Mn (2024-T3), 3, 5, 7, or 9 Ply SAE AMS4254 SAE AMS4254 发布历史 SAE AMS4254由美国机动车工程师协会 US-SAE 发布于 1988-10-01。
基于Gurson理论在商业有限元软件ABAQUS中开发了同时适用于拉伸和剪切断裂模式的细观损伤本构,对2024T3铝合金的弹塑性响应和裂纹扩展路径进行了数值分析.与试验结果对比研究表明,本文发展的细观损伤本构能够较好预测延性金属材料在多种应力状态下的损伤破坏过程.%Under tensile and shear loading conditions, 2024 aluminum ...
(SO4)3 concentration,f ilm.forming temperature,and solution pH on the corrosion resistance of trivalent chromium chemical conversion coating on surface of 2024.T3 aluminum alloy was studied by potentiodynamic polarization curve measurement,electrochemical impedance spectroscopy(EIS),and salt spray co rosion...
关键词:延性断裂;拉伸失效;剪切失效;细观损伤模型;Gurson 理论中图分类号:V252 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006⁃2793(2015)03⁃0426⁃07DOI:10.7673/j.issn.1006⁃2793.2015.03.025Tensileandshearfailuremechanismsof2024⁃T3aluminumalloyJIANGWei,LIYa⁃zhi,SUJie,SHUYi⁃xiu(SchoolofAeronautics,...
Tensileandshearfailuremechanismsof2024⁃T3aluminumalloy JIANGWei,LIYa⁃zhi,SUJie,SHUYi⁃xiu (SchoolofAeronautics,NorthwesternPolytechnicalUniversity,Xi'an710072,China) Abstract:Undertensileandshearloadingconditions,2024aluminumalloyexhibitstwotypesofdistinctiveductilerupture mechanisms.Thegrowthandinternalneckingofvoi...
QQ-A-250/5 2024T3 alclad aluminum sheet, 2024-T3 This is the most common of the the high-strength alloys. Aircraft quality 2024 T3 aluminum sheet is thought of as the aircraft alloy because of it's strength. 2024T3 has excellent fatigue resistance. Wel
Fatigue Life Prediction for Center-Hole Specimen of 2024-T3 Aluminum Alloy Sheet Based on Small Crack Method 基于小裂纹的2024-T3铝合金中心孔试样疲劳寿命预测 2. Rare Earth Metal(REM) Conversion Coating on Aluminum 2024 2024 铝合金表面混合稀土转化膜的研究 ...
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Influence of dent on residual ultimate strength of 2024-T3 aluminum alloy plate under axial compression[J] . Zhi-gang LI,Ming-yi ZHANG,Fu LIU,Chun-sheng MA,Jin-huan ZHANG,Zhong-min HU,Jia-zhen ZHANG,Ya-nan ZHAO.Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China . 2014 (10)...