Election Day: Where are Harris and Trump making their final bids Kamala Harris is making a final push to influence voters in critical swing states. Harris has been blitzing radio stations across the country, with plans to call into stations in Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Ge...
However, with 11 months until the election, it is too early to say where abortion will ultimately rank among voters' top issues. Butterfield, of Priorities USA, said the group's research found that abortion remains a top concern for swing voters. The group plans a $75 million digital ad ...
#305 拜登退选哈里斯接棒,天降女主还是权宜之计|2024 Election 2024-07-25 立即播放 52分钟 上周末,拜登正式宣布退出今年的大选,并支持副总统卡玛拉·哈里斯参选。 自从电视辩论之后,拜登、民主党、乃至整个 2024 美国大选,就都沉浸在「拜登是否会因身体原因退选」的猜测里。但即便铺垫了这么久,拜登退选的决定,依...
与美国的其他州的总统初选(primary election)选民去投票站投票不大一样的是, Iowa州的初选走的是Iowa...
Presidential Election USA 2024 This countdown timer shows how much time left until: November 5th, 2024 12:00 am Time zone:America/New_York Current time in Spring Mill, United States
Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris and her Republican rival, Donald Trump, delivered radically different messages on the US campaign trail on Monday as they sought to win over undecided voters in the two weeks before Election Day. As the election draws closer, Harris has been...
https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2023/11/18/election-2024-biden-trump-poll-michigan/71619518007/?gnt-cfr=1 模拟Trump v Biden,Trump 46,Biden 41——Trump领先5; 模拟Haley v Biden,Haley 47,Biden 36,Haley领先11。
Election 2024 Voting USA round emblem. Presidential Election US concept, November 5. Vector illustration. Download a free preview or high-quality Adobe Illustrator (ai), EPS, PDF, SVG vectors and high-res JPEG and transparent PNG images.
但与以前不同的是,我在这个election cycle参加了很多选举活动,包括看候选人canvassing,并做了poll worker(O子陵在听歌)。与读poll相比,真正在一线与voters接触会有截然不同的感受,而许多politician更相信这种感受而不相信poll。但就像我之前说的:2024年大选将是个异常胶着的选举,6个决胜州每州几千张选票就可能左右...
That small percentage of people who are willing to swing are going to decide that election time and time again.这一小部分愿意摇摆不定的人将一次又一次地决定选举。And that is why this is known as swing county USA where there's a significant percentage of voters who split their ballots between...