2024中国自动化大会将于2024年11月1-3日在青岛举行,大会将为全球自动化、信息与智能科学领域的专家学者和产业界的同仁提供展示创新成果、展望未来发展的高端学术平台,加强不同学科领域的交叉融合,引领自动化、信息与智能科学与技术的发展。 本...
4、Building Bridges across Spatial and Temporal Resolutions: Reference-Based Super-Resolution via Change Priors and Conditional Diffusion Model 基于参考的超分辨率(RefSR)有潜力在遥感图像的空间和时间分辨率之间建立桥梁。然而,现有的 RefSR 方法受到内容重建的忠实度和大比例因子下纹理传输的有效性的限制。 条件...
Firs (Abiesspp.) are keystone components of the boreal and temperate dark-coniferous forests and this genus harbors a number of relict taxa. Wei et al. (pages 2664–2682) reconstructed a transcriptomebased phylogeny and revealed the sp...
闵芬, 董文波, 丁炜超. 基于决策变量时域变化特征分类的动态多目标进化算法. 自动化学报, 2024, 50(11): 2154−2176 Min Fen, Dong Wen-Bo, Ding Wei-Chao. Dynamic multi-objective evolutionary algorithm based on classification of decision variable temporal change characteristics. Acta Automatica Sinica, ...
Additionally, we introduce the concept of aggregation clusters and develop a partitioning algorithm to effectively group clients based on the alignment of their temporal reasoning properties. We evaluate the proposed method on two tasks: a real-world traffic volume prediction task consisting of sensory ...
50、FRESCO: Spatial-Temporal Correspondence for Zero-Shot Video Translation 文本到图像扩散模型激发对其在视频领域潜在应用的探索。零样本方法将图像扩散模型扩展到视频领域,而无需进行模型训练。最近方法主要侧重于将帧间对应关系纳入注意机制中。然而,决定在哪里关注有效特征的软约束有时可能不足,导致时间上的不一致...
妇产科网将近期发布的“2024年昆士兰临床指南:原发性产后出血(V11)”重点内容进行翻译,分为上、下两篇发布,旨在为妇产科医生提供全面、前沿的管理与治疗方案。本指南汇聚了国际最新的研究成果与临床经验,是广大妇产科医生应对原发性产后出血不可或缺的权威参考。 PART.01简介 原发性产后出血(PPH)是最常见的产科出...
we design a SlowFast Slots module, i.e., SF-Slots, that adaptively aggregates the dense video tokens from the CLIP vision encoder to a set of representative slots. In order to take into account both the spatial object details and the varied temporal dynamics, SF-Slots is built with a dua...
研讨会聚焦于AI辅助医学图像分析中域适应、公平性和可解释性所面临的挑战和机遇,探讨相关技术和应用问题。 论文征稿已截止 Foundation Models for Medical Vision 项目主页:https://fmv-cvpr24workshop.github.io/ 研讨会聚焦于基础模型在医学成像领域所面临的挑战和机遇,探讨相关技术和应用问题。
Module 2 Ultrafast and nonlinear optics Prof. Chris Xu ChrisXuisthe IBM Professor of Engineering and Director of the School of Applied and Engineering Physics. Chris Xu’s group at Cornell pioneered the development of temporal focusing and long-wavelength two- and three-photon microscopy for deep...