美国国务院2024年3月30日(美国东部时间3月29日)向国会提交了《2024香港政策法案报告》(2024 Hong Kong Policy Act Report),报告援引多个香港片面事例,对香港民主制度和普选、警察和安保职能、司法独立和法治、言论新闻互联网、集会结社行动、教...
CCTV: The US Department of State released the Hong Kong Policy Act Report last week. The US Secretary of State issued a press statement and announced visa restrictions on multiple Hong Kong officials. What’s China’s comment? 汪文斌:美方再度发布所谓“报告”,抹黑污蔑香港国安法、特区选...
We will continue to fully, faithfully, and resolutely implement the policy of One Country, Two Systems, under which the people of Hong Kong administer Hong Kong and the people of Macao administer Macao, both with a high degree of autonomy. We wi...
We will continue to fully, faithfully, and resolutely implement the policy of One Country, Two Systems, under which the people of Hong Kong administer Hong Kong and the people of Macao administer Macao, both with a high degree of autonomy. We will remain committed to law-based governance in ...
and fully draws on other countries’ legislation experience in the same field. The bill helps the SAR to further coordinate between development and security, better harness Hong Kong’s unique status and advantage, and deepen closer and more open exchanges and cooperation between Hong Kong and coun...
and fully draws on other countries’ legislation experience in the same field. The bill helps the SAR to further coordinate between development and security, better harness Hong Kong’s unique status and advantage, and deepen closer and more open exchanges and cooperation between Hong Kong and coun...
the report. Many international financial institutions made positive assessment on China’s economy, believing now is a good time to develop a portfolio in China and expressing the desire to continue to invest in China. UBS raised its rating on a Chinese mainland stock index and Hong Kong stocks...
and even arbitrarily arrested and prosecuted Chinese citizens in the UK and disrupted the normal functioning of the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in London. China deplores and opposes it. The UK’s false accusations and eg...
Summit that China has become a decisive enabler of Russia’s war against Ukraine. He said that China’s joint military exercise with Belarus fits into the pattern of working together in supporting Russia’s war on Ukraine. He added that China is taking more assertive behaviors in Hong Kong ...
and fully draws on other countries’ legislation experience in the same field. The bill helps the SAR to further coordinate between development and security, better harness Hong Kong’s unique status and advantage, and deepen close...