2024年3月1日,联合国环境规划署(UNEP)在第六届联合国环境大会期间发布了名为《2024年全球资源展望》(2024 Global Resource Outlook, GRO)的新报告。该报告由联合国环境署主持的国际资源小组与来自世界各地的作者共同制定,呼吁进行全面的政策变革,使人类能量入为出,并减少三分之一的预计资源增长使用量,同时...
【中国绿发会讯】2024年3月1日,联合国环境规划署(UNEP)在第六届联合国环境大会期间发布了名为《2024年全球资源展望》(2024 Global Resource Outlook, GRO)的新报告。该报告由联合国环境署主持的国际资源小组与来自世界各地的作者共同制定,呼吁进行全面的政策变革,使人类能量入为出,并减少三分之一的预计资源增长使...
United Nations Environment Programme (2024): Global Resources Outlook 2024: Bend the Trend – Pathways to a liveable planet as resource use spikes. International Resource Panel. Nairobi. https://wedocs.unep.org/20.500.11822/44901 URL: unep.org/resources/Global-Resource-Outlook-2024 resourcepanel.org...
URL:/resources/Global-Resource-Outlook-2024 /reports/global-resources-outlook-2024 GlobalResourcesOutlook 2024 Bendthetrend Pathwaystoaliveableplanetas resourceusespikes Acknowledgements DevelopedundertheguidanceoftheInternationalResourcePanelCo-ChairsJanezPotoçnikandIzabellaTeixeira. ...
2024年3月1日,联合国环境规划署(UNEP)在第六届联合国环境大会期间发布了名为《2024年全球资源展望》(2024 Global Resource Outlook, GRO)的新报告。该报告由联合国环境署主持的国际资源小组与来自世界各地的作者共同制定,呼吁进行全面的政策变革,使人类能量入为出,并减少三分之一的预计资源增长使用量,同时发展经济...
Klicken Siehier, um das umfassende Whitepaper 2024 IT Outlook und die dazugehörige Infografik mit einer Aufschlüsselung der Umfrageergebnisse zu lesen. Methodik der Umfrage Diese Umfrage wurde im Oktober und November 2023 von Coleman Parkes durchgeführt und richtete sich an 1.420 leitende IT...
(2023).World Social Report 2023.6 Global,regional and country-group averages are weighted by GDP and based on data from the IMFs World Economic Outlook datab 81、ase,April 2024.first quarter of 2024.Tight external financing conditions and balance-of-payments constraints increased depreciation ...
But from a global perspective, Reagan’s victory over communism must rank first. Andthat victorywas the main takeaway of the movie,Reagan, that I saw last night. I strongly recommend the movie, especially for people who were not lucky enough to be alive for Reagan’s presidency. ...
Global electricity demand is set to increase at six times the pace of total energy demand over the next decade,heralding a new age of electricity,as highlighted in World Energy Outlook 2024.One-third of this growth comes from China,although electricity demand is set to increase in all regions...
1)resource utilisation;2)environment of the place of origin;3)agroecos 154、ystems;4)supply of green agricultural products;and 5)emission reduction and carbon sequestration capacity and relevant key tasks and measures.It makes systematic arrangements for green agricultural development during the 14th ...