The election’s results will impact the US involvement in this process. A possible return to US isolationism with the re-election of former President Trump constitutes a major risk for European defense. Overall the US defense budget is likely to grow, even with a focus on ‘America ...
然后才有可能分裂成两个国家,名字我都想好了USA与USB,United States of Assholes , United States of...
Donald Trump won the state of Arizona in this week's US presidential election, US TV networks projected on Saturday, completing the Republican's sweep of all seven swing states. Details with Shirli Sitbon.
2)EPIC-MRA民调(2023年11月18日) 模拟Trump v Biden,Trump 46,Biden 41——Trump领先5; 模拟Haley v Biden,Haley 47,Biden 36,Haley领先11。 结果是接近的,两个人共和...
The outcome of the US election is certain to have a massive impact on global politics and industry spending. Although no major candidate is likely to spend significantly more or less than the other on the baseline military budget, nearly all Democrats and some Republicans hope to continue providi...
2024年7月15日,共和党全国代表大会(Republican National Convention, RNC)在威斯康星州密尔沃基举行。两天前,特朗普在集会中突遇枪击,以“殉难者”和“幸存者”之姿离开镜头焦点。尽管美国政治经历前所未有的惊涛骇浪,共和党代表大会依然如期举行。大会第一...
As the US enters the last campaign weeks of the 2024 presidential election, scheduled for November 5, global markets are closely monitoring the potential shifts in policies that may impact trade, investment, and geopolitical stability. Southeast Asia, one of the fastest-growing regions globally, is...
“Will Cornel West Turn the 2024 Presidential Election into a Rerun of 1948?” Brookings, 欢迎关注公众号! 微信编辑:那一佳...
Until recently, macroeconomic performance has been a strong predictor of election outcomes, and it is still a good place to start. At this point in the election cycle, the macroeconomic backdrop favors President Joe Biden more than what political polls suggest. Most macroeconomic indicators date ba...
据追踪投票数据的佛罗里达大学选举项目(University of Florida’s Election Project)称,截至周五下午,已有超过6700万美国人提前投票。TargetSmart的性别分类是基于公开数据,从最初的5500万张提前投票中得出的。超过1亿美国人在2020年初投票。 生殖健康和性别议题成为这次选举的重要焦点 Jason Connolly / AFP ...