All proffered papers that are accepted for poster or oral presentation at the AACR Annual Meeting 2023must be presented in person.Posters will not be presented in electronic format, and remote minisymposium presentations will not be permitted. Presenters who are unable to travel to Orlando to pre...
我们为大型国际学术会议提供Abstract、Poster及论文专业翻译服务,进一步完善Abstract部分使其达到国际有影响力期刊论文语言水平,同时我们提供大型会议的Abstract Submission服务。同时也为期刊和研究人员提供英译中的翻译支持,旨在帮助用户更快速准确...
题目: LBL-033, a novel bispecific antibody targeting MUC16 and CD3, for the treatment of tumors over-expressing MUC16 会场类别: Immunology 会场标题: Therapeutic Antibodies 3 日期和时间: 4月17日, 1:30 PM - 5:00 PM(美国东部时间) 地点: Poster Section 24 壁报板号码: 12 摘要编号: 2965 维...
Location:Poster Section 35 Poster Board Number:19 Abstract Presentation Number:LB328 Title:Discovery and characterization of a next-generation FGFR inhibitor overcoming FGFR resistant mutations Session Title:Late-Breaking Research: Experimental and Molecular Therapeutics 3 Location:Poster Section 35 Poster Boa...
Poster boards dimensions will be provided in email correspondence to the Submitting Authors. The organizers will provide poster numbers and pushpins. From the accepted posters, a small number of highly rated abstract authors will also be invited to deliver short oral proffered presentations of their...
All proffered papers that are accepted for poster or oral presentation at the AACR Annual Meeting 2023must be presented in person.Posters will not be presented in electronic format, and remote minisymposium presentations will not be permitted. Presenters who are unable to travel to Orlando to pre...