viewsoftheWorldEconomicForum,northeentiretyofitsMembers,Partnersor otherstakeholders. ThisAnnualReportcoverstheperiod2023-2024andrepresentsthestatus asof30June2024. ©2024WorldEconomicForum.Allrightsreserved.Nopartofthispublicationmay bereproducedortransmittedinanyformorbyanymeans,includingphotocopying andrecording,...
近日,世界经济论坛(World Economic Forum, WEF) 发布《2023未来就业报告》,报告中给出未来工作中所需的几大核心技能。 其中也强调 COVID-19 正在推动行业转型(已经约有86%公司进行技术转型),随着更多工作环境采用前沿科技来增加自动化和人工智能适应场景的趋势,预计这一趋势...
World Economic Forum takes every reasonable step to ensure that the data thus compiled and/or collected is accurately reflected in this report,the World Economic Forum,its agents,officers and employeesiprovide the data“as is,as available”and without warranty of any kind,either express or implied...
Global Times: Recently, we have seen some media coverage of online data leaks involving a large amount of personal information. A World Economic Forum report released at the beginning of this year named widespread cybercrime and cyber insecurity among the 10 most severe global risks over the next...
World Economic Outlook Report,October 2022a,“Countering the Cost-of-Living Crisis”,https/ Monetary Fund,Fiscal Monitor,October 2022b,“Helping People Bounce Back”,https/
World political and business leaders are gathering in Davos for the World Economic Forum. How can the forum and China help the global community work together and move forward in 2023? Previous Episode Next EpisodeChina World Politics Business Sci-Tech Culture Sports Opinions Travel ...
文件列表: 世界经济论坛:2023-2024年全球杰出青年社区年度报告(英文版).pdf 下载文档资源简介 > The World Economic Forum’s Global Shapers Community harnesses the innovation of 18,000 young leaders in over 500 hubs across 154 countries. This year, the community focused on building youth leaders, ...
TIANJIN, June 27 (Xinhua) -- From AI-enabled healthcare delivery to flexible batteries powering wearable medical devices, the Summer Davos Forum, currently underway in Tianjin, North China, has released a report listing new technologies poised to positively impact the world within the next three ...
世界经济论坛(World Economic Forum,WEF)第53届年会(2023达沃斯论坛)于2023年1月16至20日在瑞士达沃斯举行。本届年会的主题是“在分裂的世界中加强合作”(Cooperation in a fragmented world),汇聚逾2,700名全球学界、政界、商界和公民社会等领袖,共同制定冲突背景下,加强合作和信任的全球、区域和行业议程。面对全球...
Global Times: Recently, we have seen some media coverage of online data leaks involving a large amount of personal information. A World Economic Forum report released at the beginning of this year named widespread cybercrime and c...