Language and inclusivity: The SOGC recognizes the importance to be fully inclusive and when context is appropriate, gender-neutral lan- guage will be used. In other circumstances, we continue to use gendered language because of our mission to advance women’s health. The SOGC recognizes and respe...
ACOG 《子宫内膜上皮内瘤变或非典型子宫内膜增生的管理》 ACOG 最新共识:不典型子宫内膜增生,除了切子宫,药物治疗怎么选? 03 ESGO、ESHRE、ESGE《子宫内膜癌患者保留生育治疗的指南》 孕激素 or LNGIUS?2023 年子宫内膜癌患者保留生育治疗的指南 05 内异症、肌瘤...
Language and inclusivity: The SOGC recognizes the importance to be fully inclusive and when context is appropriate, gender-neutral lan- guage will be used. In other circumstances, we continue to use gendered language because of our mission to advance women’s health. The SOGC recognizes and respe...
权威发布!2023SOGC临床实践指南:子宫腺肌病的诊断与治疗(NO.437)现已上线。由加拿大妇产科医生协会(SOGC,Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada)制定发布,囊括最新诊断标准、治疗方案及临床路径。现可咨询药智数据客服获取完整指南内容,助力临床决策制定。