Share This Post The global smartphone display panel market revenues declined 12 percent year-over-year in Q1 2023. Samsung Display led with 51 percent revenue share followed by BOE Technology and Tianma Microelectronics. This report includes quarterly global shipments, revenue and ASPs of smartphone ...
Smartphone Display Panel Market Share Q2 2023: China Panel Vendor OLED Share Exceeds 20 Percent Share This Post The global smartphone display panel market revenues declined 7 percent year-over-year in Q2 2023. The weak demand for LCD panels pulled down the market. Samsung Display led with 53 ...
显示设备供应商在 2023 年基本上处于生存状态 IT之家 2 月 17 日消息,DSCC 研究机构在最新更新的 Quarterly Display Capex and Equipment Market Share Report 中再次下调了设备资本支出,这种下降可归因于疲软的终端市场条件,导致了面板制造商推迟增加产能。由于需求没有对创纪录的低价作出反应,而经济衰退对未来需...
Looking at OLED monitor sizes, the narrative for 2023 is headlined by the 34-inch segment, which is forecast to command a 37% market share. The 27-inch group trails closely with an estimated 32%, followed by 49-inch monitors at about 14%. The 45-inch category rounds off the top tiers...
根据洛图科技(RUNTO)最新发布的《全球电视品牌市场出货季度追踪(Global TV Brand Market Shipment Quarterly Tracker)》数据显示,2023年全年,全球电视市场品牌整机出货量达到2.01亿台,同比2022年下降1.6%,创下近十年来的新低点。 其中,L...
OLED Display ICs The Group remained the world’s number one PMOLED display driver IC player with a dominant market share in terms of shipment volume in 2023. During the Year, the Group introduced a series of competitively priced Icon ICs targeted at displays ranging from 1 to 4 inches. These...
从电视类型来看,OLED电视出货量大幅下降20.6%至548万台,而液晶电视出货量则相对温和地下降0.9%,达1.96亿台。这些数字表明,不同类型的电视产品在市场上的表现各不相同。 尽管出货量总体下降,但电视尺寸的增长趋势明显。2023年,全球电视平均出货尺寸为49.3英寸,较2022年有所上升。这一趋势表明,尽管出货量整体下降,但消...
根据洛图科技(RUNTO)最新发布的《全球电视品牌市场出货季度追踪(Global TV Brand Market Shipment Quarterly Tracker)》数据显示,2023年全年,全球电视市场品牌整机出货量达到2.01亿台,同比2022年下降1.6%,创下近十年来的新低点。 其中,LCD电视出货1.96亿台,同比下降0.9%;OLED电视出货548万台,同比下降20.6%。尽管出货量...
三星显示和乐金显示两家韩厂的OLED技术电视面板出货面积份额则分别占比0.7%和2.5%。不过,相比2022年的0.6%和3.6%的出货面积占比,则略有下降,也显示了现在OLED技术在电视面板市场遇到的来自TFT LCD电视面板的严峻挑战。 来源:Omdia 京东方的进...
In 2023, global OLED TV shipments were projected to total around 5.44 million units. This is a decrease compared to the previous year, 2022, when around 6.67 million OLED TV sets were shipped worldwide. Forecast OLED TV unit shipments worldwide from 2016 to 2023 (in millions) ...