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Hot Wheels: Ultimate Challenge (TV Series 2023) - Taglines from original posters and video/DVD covers
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Glory Chaser原创车 路特斯Evija 奔驰300SL Mighty K原创车 保时捷935 雷诺Sport R.S. 01 沃尔沃240瓦罐漂移车 再来看下发售信息: 发售时间:洛杉矶时间1月30日周二9am 国内时间:北京时间1月31日周三1am 发售价格:250美元(不含税运费,美国境内运费有额外25刀加价) ...
HOT WHEELS/风火轮 型号 HWCC 适用年龄 12岁,14岁,4岁,14岁以上,6岁,5岁,8岁,7岁,11岁,9岁,10岁,13岁 材质 合金 产地 亚太 适用性别 男女通用 比例 1:64 玩具类型 金属玩具 颜色分类 Porsche 935,Aston Martin Vantage GTE,Audi R8 LMS,Ford Capri Gr5,94 AMG-Mercedes C-Class ...
Grand Finale, Part 1: Three qualifying winners compete in the grand finale and create brand new life-size Hot Wheels?; the winner takes home an extra $50,000 and gets their design turned into a real die-cast Hot Wheels toy that anyone can buy.
Metamorphosis vs. Racer Girl: Hot Wheels superfans Kris Parker and Lauren Partin face off in transforming an ordinary vehicle into an extraordinary Hot Wheels showstopper, inspired by personal stories, interests and pop culture touchstones.