国际大都市战略2023|纽约:关注科创、气候与宜居宜业 纽约是美国第一大城市,位于美国东北部沿海哈德逊河口。2022年,纽约人口834万,面积778平方公里,GDP高达10530亿美元,人均GDP高达12.63万美元。根据纽约市政府的预测,2023年纽约市经济增速约1.5%,预计2023年GDP高达10688亿美元。从课题组跟踪和梳理的情况看,...
2023年纽约努力致力于重建和发展,尽管一些变化持续存在,但纽约经济和社会正逐步恢复正常,力争超越疫情对经济、社会和文化生活所带来的影响。 2023年,纽约GDP总量预计仍牢牢保持世界第一,城市的经济复苏在一系列刺激政策之后已见到成效。 这一年,纽约宣布...
2023年,新加坡GDP约为5013亿美元(约为36184亿人民币),人均GDP达到84714美元(约61.1万元人民币)。 可以说,新加坡的人均GDP在东南亚一骑绝尘。 新加坡人均GDP趋势图 令人感到不可思议的是,新加坡居然还是全球第四,东南亚第一外债大国。 根据国际货币基金组织(IMF)的最新数据显示,新加坡2023年的外债在东南亚国家中排名...
"Despite the global economic slowdown and declining prices for major commodities, Indonesia's GDP is still expanding steadily at a rate of 5.05 percent," said acting head of the BPS Amalia Widyasanti at a press conference. The islands with the biggest GDP increase were Kalimantan, the site of...
Global GDP growth in 2023 is projected to be 2.7 percent, the lowest annual rate since the global financial crisis, except for the 2020 pandemic period, according to an economic outlook report released by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) in June. A modest improveme...
Germany was the country in Europe with the biggest economy in 2023, with a GDP of 4.18 trillion Euros, followed by the United Kingdom and France.
In 2023, the real gross domestic product (GDP) of Shanghai municipality in China increased by around 5.0 percent from the previous year.
According to the plan, three tasks — boosting confidence, expanding demand and seeking stable growth — are imperative, with the city aiming to achieve above 5.5 percent GDP growth in 2023. At the same time, Shanghai will provide relief packages for enterprises to reduce employment costs. To ...
#2023年国内生产总值 #排行榜 #各市gdp排行 #大数据 #经济发展 2023年全国各地GDP排名及省内排名 - CITY DATA于20240208发布在抖音,已经收获了3072个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
1.2023年中国GDP同比增长5.2% 2.天舟七号货运飞船成功发射 3.各地文旅局持续整活儿 4.天津港开通智利车厘子直航快线 热词 01 2023年中国GDP同比增长5.2% China's GDP expands 5.2 pct in 2023 (图源:视觉中国) China's gross domestic product(GDP)posted a growth of 5.2 percent year on year in 2023, hig...