以“全球碳项目”(Global Carbon Project,GCP)发布的最新的《2023年全球碳预算》(Global Carbon Budget 2023)报告为例,该报告于2023年12月发表,但其结果仅能覆盖到2022年底,未能包含2023年的信息,碳预算时间滞后长达一年。 而2023年,全球遭遇了多起重大环境事件,对气候产生了显著影响。例如,北美地区森林火灾频发;...
以“全球碳项目”(Global Carbon Project,GCP)发布的最新的《2023年全球碳预算》(Global Carbon Budget 2023)报告为例,该报告于2023年12月发表,但其结果仅能覆盖到2022年底,未能包含2023年的信息,碳预算时间滞后长达一年。 而2023年,全球遭遇了多起重大环境事件,对气候产生了显著影响。例如,北美地区森林火灾频发;自...
12月5日,“全球碳项目”(Global Carbon Project, GCP)发布《2023年全球碳预算》(Global Carbon Budget 2023)报告指出,2023年全球化石燃料产生的CO2排放量进一步增加,达到10 Gt C(10亿吨碳),即36.8 GtCO2(10亿吨二氧化碳),比2022年增长1.1%(0.0%~2.1%),比20...
CARBON emissionsATMOSPHERIC oxygenCEMENT industriesCARBON dioxideAccurate assessment of anthropogenic carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and their redistribution among the atmosphere, ocean, and terrestrial biosphere in a changing climate is critical to better understand the global carbon cycle, support the ...
研究表明,2023年全球碳排放量再创新高 文 | Zachary Folk 根据最近发表的一项研究显示,即使在美国和欧盟削减了化石燃料排放之后,全球碳排放量在2023年仍然再创新高。关键事实 根据全球碳预算数据库(Global Carbon Budget, GCB)发布的一项研究显示,今年全球化石燃料的碳排放量预计将达到368亿吨,比2022年增长1....
in National Science Review by several international research teams. Using dynamic global vegetation models, satellite fire emissions, OCO-2 satellite measurements, and ocean model emulators, the study provides a fast-track carbon budget for 2023, identifying unprecedented weakening of land carbon sinks....
Original data have been converted by Statista from million metric tons of carbon to units of carbon dioxide by multiplying by 3.664. This statistic has been compiled from multiple reports. Figures prior to 1990 can be found in the following Global Carbon Budget dataset. The values have been ...
2024年3月,国际能源署(IEA)发布《2023年碳排放报告》,以下为报告摘要: 摘要:• 2023年,全球与能源相关的二氧化碳排放量增长1.1%,增加4.1亿吨,达到374亿吨的历史新高。相比之下,2022年增加4.9亿吨(1.3%)。…
. Top-down emissions over 2010–2022 are estimated from MOPITT (2010–2021) and TROPOMI (2019–2022) CO retrievals.d, A comparison of May–September Canadian fire emissions with 2022 territorial fossil carbon emissions for the ten largest emitting countries, obtained from Global Carbon Budget 2022...
India has thepotentialto create 287 gigatons of carbon space for the world – a figure that amounts to half of the global carbon budget required to limit warming to 1.5°C. According toreports, India may attract investments worth US$10 billion in the low-carbon energy segment this year. Ho...