高分游戏如此之多,而且其中大多数产品确实没有让粉丝们失望,这就意味着今年的“年度最佳游戏(Game of the Year)”大奖的竞争异常激烈。另外,游戏圈里TGA、金摇杆、DICE以及GDC的评选标准各不相同,因此哪款游戏大作可以获得年度最佳、获得几个年度最佳(甚至大满贯),谁也说不好。不过,根据经验,博士这里有四...
Runs can take a while for a mobile game, almost an hour or two a day in fact. Before I knew it, Uma Musume has consumed a total of 300 plus hours of my year, so it’s fair I give it a mention. Everhood: Eternity Edition Everhood is a 2D adventure game that very quickly becomes...
《博德之门3》(Baldur's Gate 3) 2023年最佳开放世界游戏(The Best Open-World Game of 2023) 获奖者 《塞尔达传说 王国之泪》(The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom) 落选者 《阿凡达 潘多拉边境》(Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora) 《刺客信条 幻景》(Assassin’s Creed Mirage) 《霍格沃兹之遗》(Ho...
《博德之门3》(Baldur's Gate 3) GameSpot 2023年最佳Xbox独占游戏(The Best Xbox-Exclusive Games Of 2023) 《极限竞速》(Forza Motorsport) 《完美音浪》(Hi-Fi RUSH) 《猛兽派对》(Party Animals) 《拉娜之星》(Planet of Lana) 《星空》(Starfield) GameSpot 2023年最佳手机游戏(The Best Mobile Games O...
高分游戏如此之多,而且其中大多数产品确实没有让粉丝们失望,这就意味着今年的“年度最佳游戏(Game of the Year)”大奖的竞争异常激烈。另外,游戏圈里TGA、金摇杆、DICE以及GDC的评选标准各不相同,因此哪款游戏大作可以获得年度最佳、获得几个年度最佳(甚至大满贯),谁也说不好。不过,根据经验,博士这里有四个比...
Game of the Year(2023 Podcast Episode) See agents for this cast & crew on IMDbPro It looks like we don't have any Cast and Crew for this title yet. See theFull Cast & Crewpage forThe Shawshank Redemption (1994)for examples.
界面新闻记者 | 崔鹏1 北京时间12月8日早晨,被誉为游戏界“奥斯卡”的TGA 2023颁奖典礼在美国洛杉矶Peacock Theater举办。由拉瑞安工作室(Larian Studios)开发的角色扮演游戏《博德之门3》成为全场最大的赢家,共计拿到包括年度最佳游戏(GAME OF THE YEAR)在内的5项大奖。此前呼声较高的《塞尔达:王国之泪》...
“just another Ubisoft game”, what we have is one of the best looking titles of the year, alongside solid gameplay in a unique environment. While the films are merely “fine”, this takes the interesting universe and technology of the IP and gives us a big chunk of Pandora to play in...
The polls are closed and your votes counted for the PlayStation Blog Game of the Year 2023. The winners of these awards, spanning 18 categories, have been shaped entirely by player choice. A thank you to everyone who voted and – given the strength of titles released in the past 12 month...
我喜欢马里奥多于塞尔达,喜欢2D马多于3D马。因此在惊奇刚公布的时候,我就提前宣布这是我的game of the year。发售后也基本是第一时间给通关了。 大概与很多人不一样的是,我特别喜欢2D马前作马U,玩了足足有一百多个小时,马里奥U和路易吉U都全收集。因为马U就是让我爱上马里奥的那作。马U放整个系列里,是固步...