The 2023 Honda CR-V brings a new design, fresh features, and a roomier interior that make the compact SUV's sixth generation better than ever.
自2022年第六代车型上市以来 全新一代CR-V已荣获央视总台“最佳SUV” C-NCAP五星安全认证 J.D.Power机构保值率、质量同级第一 IVISTA中国智能汽车指数五星评级 等多项权威殊荣 印证了其堪称“六边形战士”的全能产品力 诠释了作为东风Honda R-V家族引领者的领先价值 二十年风雨兼程 东风Honda坚守 “以用户为中心...
The redesigned CR-V has a less anodyne exterior, more passenger space, and added standard features to battle compact SUV rivals.
CR-V HybridHow to RefuelYour fuel tank is not equipped with a fuel filler cap. You can insert the filler nozzle directly into the filler neck. The tank seals itself again when you pull out the filler nozzle. Stop your vehicle with the service station pump on the left side of the ...
CR-V HybridMaintenance MinderTM If the engine oil life is less than 15%, you will see the Maintenance Minder messages appear on the driver information interface every time you set the power mode to ON. The messages notify you when to change the engine oil, or when to bring your vehicle ...
“定义,由我”,超越期待。9月28日,“SUV新生活定义者”——东风Honda 全新一代CR-V正式上市。全新一代CR-V SPORT TURBO锐·T动,官方指导价为18.59万元-24.99万元。延续27年品牌积淀,承载260万+中国用户信赖,全新一代CR-V家族实现全维升级,实力诠释“定义,由我”的生活态度,陪伴用户开启SUV新生活。
<Compatible Car Models>:For Honda CR-V CR V CRV 2023 2024. Note: This special base is only suitable for left-hand drive models. About the base: 1.This base has been specially designed for this model, and the best position for the phone holder is selected. 2.This base is not installe...
The 2023 Honda CR-V is an impressive entry in the compact crossover SUV segment. It exudes quality, is enjoyable to drive, is comfortable for everyone aboard, and has plenty of cargo room. However, given the strength of the competition, it needs to be be
2023款本田CR-V插混说明书为PDF电子版本,2023款本田CR-V插混车主手册帮助车主快速掌握车辆的各种实用功能,免费下载方便携带,2023款本田CR-V插混用户手册是车主必备的电子使用手册。 点击进入: ...
【EV视界车展报道】6月16日,2023(第二十七届)粤港澳大湾区国际汽车博览会暨新能源汽车博览会在深圳隆重开幕。EV视界前方团队在东风Honda的展台上拍摄到了全新一代CR-V e:HEV。新车在2023粤港澳大湾区车展上正式上市,共推出5款车型,售价区间19.99-26.39万元,新车搭载第四代2.0L i-MMD油电混动系统,相较于汽油版...