Attendance increased by 1.8 million guests or 9% to $22.2 million. We estimate that adverse weather reduced full-year attendance by over 1 million guests. This includes rain and snow in California during spring break, followed by a record summer heat wave in Texas and eight consecutive weekends...
LEGAL FOR SALE OR USE IN THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA. Testing with the California Air Resources Board, in order to achieve 50-state compliance, is pending with CARB. Once testing is complete with California, and an E.O. number is issued, this product will be updated to 50-state...
Zhe Zhou, Yanxiang Bi, Junpeng Wan, and Yangfan Zhou, Fudan University; Zhou Li, University of California, Irvine 问题 syscall开销比较大,在部分APP上会引起显著的性能开销。而一次syscall带来的性能开销又可以进一步分为直接和间接开销。直接就是syscall直接造成的保存恢复寄存器,模式切换等。间接就是syscall造...
as well as its extensive gas pipelines, performed about as expected. But the regulatory climate in a few states has raised the specter of zero profitability or even bankruptcy (an actual outcome at California’s largest utility and a current threat in Hawaii...
But the regulatory climate in a few states has raised the specter of zero profitability or even bankruptcy (an actual outcome at California’s largest utility and a current threat in Hawaii). In such jurisdictions, it is difficult to project both earnings and asset values in what was once ...
Ourvolunteers,whoarehighschoolstudentsfromLosAngeles,California,willansweryourcall.Ourvolunteers—whowecall“Listeners”—receiveover100hoursoftrainingfrommentalhealthprofessionalssothattheycanrespondandunderstandtheneedsoftheteensreachingout. Whattopicscanyoudiscusswithus?
As far as non-California states are concerned, we already said Q4 was stable for non-California compared to Q3. So, we think the non-California states will also bounce back in Q2. So, while I'm not telling you any numbers, I gave you the directional indication that we expect ...