第65届美国血液学会(ASH)年会将于2023年12月9~12日在美国圣地亚哥(San Diego)以线下结合线上的方式举行。ASH年会是全球血液学领域最大最全面的涵盖恶性与非恶性血液疾病的国际盛会,每年都会吸引来自全球100多个国家的25000余名血液学家和其他相关医疗保健专业...
2023年12月9日~12日,第65届美国血液学年会(ASH)即将在美国圣迭戈以“线上+线下”的形式隆重召开。作为全球血液学领域规模最大、涵盖最全面的国际学术盛会之一,会议亮点频出。 2023年11月29日,ASH延续传统,以新闻发布会形式对本次大会聚焦的热点话题...
The ASH annual meeting virtual platform will open on Wednesday, December 6, 2023, to all attendees. Most sessions offered at the in-person meeting will be broadcast simultaneously on the virtual platform, and attendees will have the ability to ask questions and participate in real time. The pla...
Joshua Richter, MD, of Mount Sinai, and other hematologic cancer experts join CancerNetwork following the 2023 ASH Annual Meeting & Exposition to discuss the biggest winner from the 2023 meeting.This is a modal window. The Playback API request failed for an unknown reason...
1. 65th ASH Annual Meeting & Exposition - Hematology.org 2. https://ash.confex.com/ash/2023/webprogram/start.html. 3. Zixun Yan, et al. ASH 2023. Abstract 6928. 关于复星凯特 复星凯特生物科技有限公司为复星医药与美国Kite Pharma(吉利德科学旗下公司)的合营企业,深耕肿瘤免疫细胞治疗...
[8]. Swetha Kambhampati, et al. 2023 ASH annual meeting. Oral presentation. [9]. Wang M, et al. J Clin Oncol. 2023;41(3):555-567. [10]. Swetha Kambhampati, et al. ASCO 2023. Oral presentation. 关于复星凯特 复星凯特生物科技有限公司为复星医药与美国Kite Pharma(吉利德科学旗下公司...
当地时间2023年11月2日,传奇生物(NASDAQ: LEGN)在美国新泽西州萨默塞特正式宣布,将于12月9日至12日在圣地亚哥举行的第65届美国血液学会年会暨博览会(American Society of Hematology Annual Meeting and Exposition ,简称ASH)上发表两场口头报告和五项壁报展示,公布西达基奥仑赛CARTITUDE临床开发项目的最新数据。
Here, we overview the latest clinical and preclinical updates on protein degraders presented at the 2023 ASH Annual Meeting.doi:10.1186/s13045-024-01533-wZhong, GuangcaiKong, RanFeng, ShiWang, CongHao, QingboXie, WeilinZhou, XiangxiangJournal of Hematology & Oncology...
Joshua Richter, MD, led an enthusiastic panel with his colleagues in the multiple myeloma space following the 2023 ASH Annual Meeting and Exposition. The expert panel Joshua Richter, MD, led an enthusiastic panel with his colleagues in the multiple myeloma space...
NASHVILLE, Tenn.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Sarah Cannon Research Institute (SCRI) announced today that more than 80 abstracts and presentations have been selected for inclusion at the 65th American Society of Hematology (ASH) Annual Meeting & Exposition. Hosted...